Tom Fitton: Inspector General was ‘Late to the Game’ on Probing SpyGate Abuses Targeting Trump – IOTW Report

Tom Fitton: Inspector General was ‘Late to the Game’ on Probing SpyGate Abuses Targeting Trump

6 Comments on Tom Fitton: Inspector General was ‘Late to the Game’ on Probing SpyGate Abuses Targeting Trump

  1. Dragged blindfolded, kicking and screaming, refusing to point out bias, much less illegal targeting, and lying noted as “less than candor”, “late to the game” doesn’t strike me as the correct analysis.

  2. Here’s a plan:
    when McLame is unearthed and removed from his unworthy place in Arlington, rebury him with along fellow swamper Jeff Sessions.

    Sessions doesn’t even have to be deceased at the time.
    (Unless President Trump reveals a very grande scheme that was employed to first reveal and then drain The Swamp –highly unlikely, yes.)

  3. A bureaucrat (Horowitz) investigating a fellow bureaucrat (Comey, et al) results in nothing. They circle the wagons and protect their own.

    Late to the game, my ass. He was forced into the game against his wishes. Thank God for Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch. He has done more to expose the swamp than anyone else has been able or willing to (emphasis on willing).


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