Police, veterans join citizen militia in Virginia as libs vow sweeping gun laws – IOTW Report

Police, veterans join citizen militia in Virginia as libs vow sweeping gun laws


[…] Law Enforcement Today (LET) has been reporting on the furious opposition to the assault on citizens’ 2A liberties and the approaching confrontation. Last week, LET updated readers on the latest developments, with a headline that in part reads: “police, veterans, residents join exploding militia.”

Law Enforcement Today reports being “overwhelmed with hundreds of messages from veterans and active members of the military stating: ‘I will not comply.’” keep reading

21 Comments on Police, veterans join citizen militia in Virginia as libs vow sweeping gun laws

  1. “On To Richmond!”

    …hmm, seems like I’ve heard that before, seems like it involved Democrats acting like they owned people THEN, too…


    …Gotta get this party started SOMEWHERE, I suppose VA is as good as anyplace. This would be a nice, historical flashpoint that will give us some extra fun facts when we write the history of the Second Civil War.

    …Study up on the Peninsular Campaigns, folks, I’m pretty sure we can improve on McClellan with modern technology and 159 years of study behind us…

  2. When the time comes, these enemies of liberty will be pushed into the sea… or die on the way.
    I don’t fear my government… the people that occupy my government on the other hand are being exposed on a daily basis as the true threat to liberty. I could solve that problem in one day… now where did I put that guillotine?

  3. …you aren’t alone in stupid shit designed to deprive the law-abiding of their God-given rights, VA. Look what OH’s got going on…

    “The Ohio Supreme Court will hear arguments in February to decide whether a law prohibiting gun owners from carrying firearms while intoxicated should be applied inside a gun owner’s home.

    Lawyers for a Clermont County man arrested in 2018 after he acknowledged having an unloaded shotgun while drunk say the law is unconstitutional when applied to homeowners.

    They say a person’s sobriety or intoxication level should have nothing to do with possessing a weapon “in the hearth and home.”

    …to his credit, DeWine refused Red Flag laws, at lest for now, BUT came up with THIS one…

    “That’s why DeWine said his administration chose to focus on Ohio’s Pink Slip law.

    In Ohio a person can be detained for up to 72 hours if they are potentially a danger to themselves or someone else.

    In that 72 hours they are seen by mental health professional who then determine if they are a threat.”

    …so, instead of taking your GUNS for 72 hours, we’ll take your FREEDOM for 72 hours, and the person who “flagged” you is then free to do whatever they want to with your guns THEMSELVES for the next 72 hours; and also, given the proclivities of modern-day brain peepers who consider mutilating yourself to pretend to be a woman as NORMAL and voting for Trump as a sign of mental illness, God only KNOWS how THAT’S gonna work out for you…

    …having participated in what we then called “Red Tag” involuntary commits in my Squad days, I can tell you too that this is not necessarily “less dangerous”, but it is also very labor-intensive for the very limited results it achieves, and doesn’t do ANYONE, the patient, the police, the squad, the hospital, the city, the state, or the country any favors, it just spins a bunch of wheels for a long while and disrupts everyone’s lives to no benefit.

    …Although again, if the State can take your freedom because a neighbor doesn’t like you and your guns, or an ex-wife wants you punished by messing with your firearm collection, then you’re going to lose a LOT. You will likely lose your job, probably lose your weapons ONE way or another, may lose your rights to see your children, your home, your car, everything you’ve worked to accumulate, just because someone with an ax to grind made some stuff up about you, used a post you made on iOTW to “prove” you are dangerous, and the State found a transgender, transracial, soy-filled mutilated male of a Trump-hating “psychiatrist” to ratify your “illness”, and so you may be staying a while LONGER, at LEAST until your life has been utterly destroyed…

    …so, VA, at least they’re coming at you head-on. Out here in RINO land, they’re still being more subtle, but all the more dangerous because you won’t know that’s what they’re doing until you’re strapped to a gurney with a literally insane shrink pronouncing doom over you…

  4. I’m glad that the bone head governor of Virginia did what he did.
    Now we know for certain, in measurable hard data, just how Americans really feel about their Second Amendment rights.
    Sometimes we need mutton head leftists, to be mutton head leftists, just so we can stand united against them.

  5. …Thanks, @Uncle Al, that is better in full.

    …although I would prefer a more modern one complete with a fully occupied gallows in front of the Executive Mansion, just sayin’…

  6. Those giving the commands should be the first ones on the docket for public executions, they are the self imposed law makers committing treason against their fellow citizens and need to be shown the errors of their ridiculous do nothing laws against honest American citizen’s rights guaranteed by the Constitution and God’s law. Make and enforce stupid laws, win fabulous on demand pay per view executions.

  7. @HardyBrooks December 30, 2019 at 11:29 am

    > Those giving the commands should be the first ones on the docket for public executions

    “Public docket”? What kind of Instagram hoor are you?

    Chinese style “work training camps”. Period. Full stop. And everybody gets a boxcar ticket.

  8. Bobcat DECEMBER 30, 2019 AT 11:14 AM
    Getting ready to play “Cowboys and democrats”

    Maybe We’ll re-enact Shermans March to the Sea D.C.

    Can we add “Cowboys and muslims,” pretty please?
    If we’re going to have to be cleaning weapons anyway we might as well get our money’s worth…

  9. The founding fathers knew that people in government would be the biggest threat to liberty, and set up the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judiciary) in their hope that in their greed for power the three branches would usually oppose each other and limit government power grabs. However, over time all three have figured out a way to often agree and coordinate with each other to oppress liberty of the citizens.

  10. I thought politicians were supposed to rule with the consent of the governed,
    It says so in the Declaration of Independence. Maybe this is the time Abe Lincoln feared that. government of, by, and for the people would vanish from the face of the earth.

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