Mansplaining Conference Charges Women $2,000 to Be Educated by All-Male Lineup of Speakers – IOTW Report

Mansplaining Conference Charges Women $2,000 to Be Educated by All-Male Lineup of Speakers


A group of unapologetic “mansplainers” are promising to “make women great again” with an upcoming convention in Orlando, Florida.

Tickets for the May 1-3 event cost $1,999 and are only available to women, Orlando Weekly reported on Monday.

The “22 Convention” is billing itself as the “world’s ultimate event for women, by men.”

Organized by “legendary manosphere event architect and 1st President of The Manosphere,” Anthony Johnson, the “22 Convention’s” lineup of all-male speakers aim to show women “the truth that unhealthy militant feminists have been hiding from you your entire life.”

“No longer will you have to give in to toxic bullying feminist dogma and go against your ancient, biological nature as a woman,” reads a description on the event’s website.

Destined “to be the mansplaining event of the century,” the “22 Convention” also pledges to raise female attendees’ “femininity by 500%.” read more

10 Comments on Mansplaining Conference Charges Women $2,000 to Be Educated by All-Male Lineup of Speakers


    You already knew this, but far too many gays and *feminists who are not gay were sexually abused as children.

    Their brains are scrambled, and their defense mechanism is to be anti-male (for women) or anti-female (for gay men). Just look at the laundry list of those Hollywood weirdos who have been sexually abused as children, you’ll see a pattern as well.

    Irresponsible sex, low impulse control, depression, suicide, and drug abuse are common coping mechanisms.

    How many are actually “Born that way?” Hard to determine, but the vast majority are products of society.

    *I dated a slight feminists in the ’90s, then she became a women’s studies major, and became a full-blown foaming-at-the-mouth feminist. Yes, sexually abused by her brother, sexually assaulted as a 5th grader, then again by an employer. She was so intolerable, I ended the relationship after our 3rd year together. Her family was very conservative Irish Roman Catholic. So of course she eventually married a Muslim. Who can make sense of her contradicting brain, I certainly couldn’t. Maybe he eventually beat it out of her, who knows…

  2. In the spirit of “Don’t hate the playa, hate the game”, I’ll just leave this here:

    Every (not any, but every) woman who’d be willing to attend the consciousness raising, will only attend if it’s lead by people who have no intention of changing the game.

  3. Dr. Laura Schlesinger wrote a book in this same vein titled “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands”. It is an amazing book telling women how screwed up feminism is and how it’s destroying their lives and marriages. The left destroyed her for it. Too bad!

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