Wind Turbine crashes on carpark in New York – IOTW Report

Wind Turbine crashes on carpark in New York


Wind turbines pose a threat not just to bats, birds and bedtime, but also Buicks, buildings and babies.

By some miracle luck, no one was killed. This wind turbine was installed two weeks ago…

7 Comments on Wind Turbine crashes on carpark in New York

  1. Looks like it killed one of those evil fossil fuel burners.

    Is this location by chance within AOC’s district that covers eastern part of the Bronx? Her support of the GND would advocate this sort of structure, wouldn’t it?

  2. I once saw a crane accidentally drop a wrecking ball into the back seat of a Toyota Corolla at a stoplight in downtown Spokane when they were building the new Seafirst bank (now Bank of America) back in the early 80’s. I was right behind that Toyota and fortunately the guy in that car wasn’t hurt but it totaled the back end of his car and gave me quite a holy shit startle from what I saw.


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