Most Democrats Who Support Impeachment Believe It Will Fail – IOTW Report

Most Democrats Who Support Impeachment Believe It Will Fail


 Matt Palumbo

If you think the impeachment circus that the Democrats have put on has been nothing more than one big waste of time doomed for inevitable failure in the Senate, you’re not the only one.

While this is the most partisan impeachment attempt in American history, the Democrat voter base doesn’t have as much faith that it’ll actually accomplish anything as their Democrat Representatives do. MORE

6 Comments on Most Democrats Who Support Impeachment Believe It Will Fail

  1. @Janitor – exactly. The impeachment dog and pony donkey show has little to nothing to do with removing the president and everything to do with (a) distraction from and misdirection for the unmitigated corruption of countless govt pols, agencies, and bureaucrats, and (b) the 2020 elections.


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