Hannukah stabbing suspect was dismissed from U.S. Marine boot camp – IOTW Report

Hannukah stabbing suspect was dismissed from U.S. Marine boot camp

Sara Carter: The U.S. Marines dismissed the man alleged to have stabbed five Jewish worshippers during a Hannukah celebration Saturday at a rabbi’s home in Monsey, NY from training for “fraudulent enlistment,” according to military officials who spoke to the Associated Press.

8 Comments on Hannukah stabbing suspect was dismissed from U.S. Marine boot camp

  1. If some murderous asshole spent a week in the military before being thrown out, the media will be sure to describe him as a former soldier or Marine. Immediately.

    Meanwhile, you won’t get an ID on the perp for hours… or days… or more… while they ponder over how to present anti-Semitism, black racism, or jihad as white supremacism.

  2. Found this posted the other day on another site. I won’t cry conspiracy, but there are quite a few “coincidences” here.

    So the alleged suspect of the stabbings is Grafton Thomas.

    The shooter in the Christchurch, New Zealand attack was identified as Brenton Tarrant, born in Grafton, Australia.

    The shooting at the Church of Christ at White Settlement TX. The town of White Settlement is in Tarrant County.

    White Settlement elevation on a Google search comes up as 666 feet. (Though two other sources list as 669 and 672).

  3. Sounds like he went Arlo Gutherie on them. Then they send him back to Alice’s Restaurant, across the street from the synagogue.

    And I walked in, I sat down, they gave me a piece of paper that said “Kid
    See the psychiatrist in room 604”

    I went up there, I said, “Shrink, I want to kill. I want to kill! I want to see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth! Eat dead, burnt bodies! I Mean Kill. Kill!”

    And I started jumpin’ up and down, yellin’ “KILL! Kill!” and he started
    Jumpin’ up and down with me, and we was both jumpin’ up and down, yellin’
    “Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!” and the sergeant came over, pinned a medal on me
    Sent me down the hall, said “You’re our boy”.

    The most dangerous crazies harm people, the less dangerous ones can’t figure out what sex they are, and are annoying and tiresome.

  4. Todays asylums are our run down feces piled, urine soaked city streets. The democrats have labored diligently for years to create this utopia and they haven’t slowed down yet.

  5. Sophie – I noticed you don’t have a middle initial in your name. It must mean you are Totally Legit compared to the other phishing scammers on here that use a middle initial in their name

    /rolling my eyes so hard I can see my brain. It’s sorta gray and very squishy


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