NY Times Cries Because People Make Fun of Them – IOTW Report

NY Times Cries Because People Make Fun of Them

2019: the Darkest Year for Journalists

16 Comments on NY Times Cries Because People Make Fun of Them

  1. I saw Daniel Shorr speak once. He quoted that statement about how absolute power corrupts absolutely, so the press needed to have the power to keep politicians Nader control.

    I don’t think the irony of his statement ever occurred to him.

  2. hey, I got an idea … how ’bout the NYT rebrand itself for 2020?

    something like ‘New York Enquirer’? … at least then it will be harder to ridicule known absurdity

    ’cause, right now, the ‘T’ stands for ‘tRUTH’

  3. ^^^
    Hey jerk, you can shill else where, you are not welcome here. Too bad we cannot monitor infiltrators better…

    On another note the NYT’s thinks the country started in 1619 so they can fuck off and go to hell as well, like Hattie up there.

  4. @Anonymous January 5, 2020 at 12:49 am

    > Wait till people start lighting their building – with everyone in it – on fire.

    Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. (Before you were born.) Still here. Even watched the vast right-wing conspiracy replace all their worn out couches. Twice.

  5. If they really are starting to respond to public ridicule, well, that’s real progress! Now, if we could get the college administrators and professors crying, I’d say we’re on the way to a reset.

  6. The group “Godley &Creme” did a song about this. (I gotta learn how to post links as that was one of my resolutions to become more computer literate)

  7. Yes Claudia, that’s the song I was referencing. My problem is that I do everything on a phone and can’t find the buttons you are referring too. I have a laptop covered in dust on my desk but I’ve only used it two times. Why two times? Because I didn’t want to take it too the Geek squad 3 times. Yes, I am that computer illiterate, only bought a smart phone after retiring from carpentry and realizing that I was able to use it too check pricing and availability of items I was in need of doing side work. Our local library offers computer courses for idiots (me) but I just took work in a small engine repair shop and until it slows down from snowblowers being brought in I’ve got no free time.

  8. Different Tim, as you are with computers, I am with smart phones. Just got my first one last August.

    So, I don’t know how to do it with a smart phone. If I do figure it out, I’ll let you know.


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