Iranians Baked Cakes Thanking Trump – and – Michael Moore Got Ridiculed – IOTW Report

Iranians Baked Cakes Thanking Trump – and – Michael Moore Got Ridiculed

From Pluralist:

Iranians Bake Cakes Thanking Trump for Killing Soleimani While US Liberals Protest.

SNIP: The cake with the fish is kinda cute.

The Iranian regime and U.S. liberals have condemned President Donald Trump for ordering an airstrike that that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani. But many ordinary Iranians have cheered the move. 


Michael Moore Personally Messages Iran Leader to Beg Forgiveness for America — Gets Ridiculed.

SNIP: From both the left and the right.
This one’s my favorite-

8 Comments on Iranians Baked Cakes Thanking Trump – and – Michael Moore Got Ridiculed

  1. Lard Ass Mikey is pissed because he didn’t get to eat any or all of the cake by himself. And Hanoi Jane is still a traitor. My father in law, a Korean war vet despised her with a purple passion. He died in 2012 at 84, I don’t think he would have liked what has happened to the country since his death a little over 7 years ago.

  2. The Iranian regime and U.S. liberals America’s sworn enemies have condemned President Donald Trump for ordering an airstrike that that killed Iranian military commander the world’s top terrorist Qassem Soleimani. But many ordinary Iranians have cheered the move.

    There, fixed it for them.


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