Not Even Judge Judy Agrees With Michael Bloomberg On Guns – IOTW Report

Not Even Judge Judy Agrees With Michael Bloomberg On Guns

Federalist: Celebrity TV Judge Judith Sheindlin, also known as Judge Judy, continued her endorsement tour for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Monday with an appearance on ABC’s “The View.”

When asked by conservative co-host Meghan McCain whether Sheindlin agreed with a Bloomberg statement on guns that only law enforcement officers should carry in crowded places and decide when to shoot, Sheindlin ruled in opposition and distanced herself from the radical idea. Just last month, an armed citizen in a Texas church shot down an a gunman attempting to massacre the congregation.

“I am not a Michael Bloomberg surrogate,” Sheindlin said. “We may not agree on everything. I have always felt that the bad guys will always get guns. I was involved in criminal justice for a quarter of a century before I got this great gig that I have now.”

Sheindlin went on to note that she and her husband Jerry used to carry firearms themselves for protection. The TV judge also argued she often felt safer walking around late at night with her husband Jerry knowing that he was carrying armed protection. Sheindlin was clear to add however, that she remains opposed to public possession of firearms with high-capacity magazines.

“I personally don’t think that anybody in this country needs a gun that’s capable of shooting 100 rounds in 60 seconds,” Sheindlin said on the show. read more


Question for you: Do you find it at all odd that people don’t mind having their small claims court cases being broadcasted on television? [Regardless of any court fees being waved.]

15 Comments on Not Even Judge Judy Agrees With Michael Bloomberg On Guns

  1. “I personally don’t think that anybody in this country needs a gun that’s capable of shooting 100 rounds in 60 seconds,” Sheindlin said on the show.

    Always trot out the automatic argument when in fact they’ve been outlawed since the thirty’s…

    Seen a “cowboy shooter” with a lever gun outshoot someone else with a full auto. Ain’t the gun sports fans, it’s whose wielding it. Some single action shooters are capable of going faster with those than any semi auto can function.

    A thirteen year old (seven years ago) and he ain’t slowed down any since then…

  2. Anybody involved in politics or govt who says, “I don’t think anybody needs _________” with the aim of not allowing anybody to have _________ should be at least laughed at then shunned. Maybe have rotten fruit and vegetables thrown at them.

  3. @Left Coast Dan:

    …do you think that there has been a single ‘mass shooting’ incident the past decade in which anyone fired more than 100 rounds in 60 seconds?

    Well, there’s Las Vegas. I don’t know if that mass murderer Stephen Paddock was quite that fast with his multiple bump-fire stock rifles, but he had to have been pretty close.

    Isn’t it remarkable that you never hear about the Las Vegas murders except when someone like me asks isn’t it remarkable you never hear about the Las Vegas murders?

  4. “I personally don’t think that anybody in this country needs a gun that’s capable of shooting 100 rounds in 60 seconds,”

    So start by taking them away from the police (include your and Bloomberg’s bodyguards).

  5. Okay, as long as you got me going here…
    Three examples of what can be done with clones of the guns from the 1800’s
    Lots more where these came from and all the politicians think laws are going save us from these evil “high capacity semi auto’s.”
    Hope the links all work…

    Pistol… Draw and fire two pistols from holsters cocking for each round (single action).
    Ten rounds on target in under three seconds…

    Rifle… Ten rounds on target from lever gun under two seconds…

    Shotgun… Load and fire four on target under three seconds…

    And when you put all three guns together with movement you ain’t gonna believe what can be done on a “stage” (stage is the choreographed shooting with the three guns).

  6. The county I live in (Brown Co. WI) just proposed with 100% support to make the county a 2nd amendment sanctuary county. They formally vote next week.

    MERICA !

  7. Judge Judy is attempting to, in a progressive myopic way, protect her millions. Seems she’s just as power hungry as Bloomberg.
    Well, if she wasn’t such a control freak, she would be able to trust what President Trump has already done to help her keep her fortune. Bloomberg hasn’t a clue.

  8. She likes Bloomie- who wants to take guns, sodas, candy, tax air, the poor, etc. but thinks we should have our freedom, but… she likes Bloomie, who wants to take guns, sodas, candy, tax air, the poor, etc…

    I thought she was supposed to be smart what with being a judge and shit.

  9. I had to stop reading when I got to the part about Megan McCain being conservative! You don’t as a general rule NEED 100 rounds of ammo in a gun fight. But would you drive across a desert on a quarter tank of gas if the owners manual said it would get you that far? Liberals just don’t live in the real world!

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