Adam Schiff Reveals the Strategy Behind Withholding Articles of Impeachment (But It’s Backfired Bigly) – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff Reveals the Strategy Behind Withholding Articles of Impeachment (But It’s Backfired Bigly)

Image by Earl of Taint

RedState: There’s been a lot of talk and bluster (more so than normal) on Capitol Hill in the aftermath of the House’s vote last month to impeach President Trump. Much of it has centered on why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other House Democratic leaders like Intel Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) have decided to sit on the articles of impeachment for what appears to be an indefinite period of time instead of pushing forward as they did after Pelosi declared the impeachment inquiry back in September.

Because Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has made it clear the Senate has no intention of playing by the Democrats’ rules when it comes to the Senate’s impending impeachment trial, Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other Democrats have made a show out of condemning McConnell for admitting he would not be an impartial juror during the Senate trial, an absurd complaint when you consider the hypocrites making it.

Schiff appeared on Jake Tapper’s “State of the Union” program Sunday on CNN and was asked about impeachment and how Democrats planned to proceed. In his answer, Schiff revealed the true strategy for PelosiCo. was to a) “flush out” Republican Senators to see where they stood, and b) to make sure Trump has a “fair trial” (LOL): MORE

7 Comments on Adam Schiff Reveals the Strategy Behind Withholding Articles of Impeachment (But It’s Backfired Bigly)

  1. No, Pelosi will hold onto the Articles of Impeachment until after the election, and then after President Trump wins again, she will send them to the House, and have the trial, going for a conviction after the election.

  2. The American public, overall, has a short attention span. My guess is that by now, a substantial percentage of Americans have even forgotten the House voted for articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. I will guarantee that if Pelosi waits much longer, the public will forget why Trump was impeached (which may be a good thing for the Democrats).

    What the public won’t forget is Schiff’s and Pelosi’s fake sense of urgency to have the impeachment hearings, and their continual assertions that the evidence is clear. If this were true, the articles of impeachment would already be in the Senate, but now all the public will remember is what frauds the Democrats are.

  3. @ Grumpy- anything is possible with that witch.
    If pelosi is holding onto the ‘articles’ until after the election, then that would also be her saying that President Trump’s re-election is a certainty. If she thought otherwise, she would send them now, to wrinkle up his campaign. Otherwise- what benefit could she possibly hope to gain by waiting for the election if she thought he would lose?
    But she could be doing just that, especially when one looks at their candidates.

  4. Pelosi is sitting on the articles of impeachment documents until nature calls with an urgent need to go to the head to dump a big load of schiff. The after action paper work will be huge, and the documents will finally serve a useful purpose. Worthy of their value.


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