The information war about arson figures – IOTW Report

The information war about arson figures

JoNova [Australia]: Rapidly the word about the astonishing rate of arson and man-made accidents* is spreading, but it doesn’t help “the cause” (which for left-leaning journo’s appears to be getting left-leaning politicians elected).

For example, the awful Binna Burra fire in September was blamed on climate change. Instead it turned out to be caused by two teenagers with cigarette butts. Who looks silly pushing a carbon tax agenda to stop fires?

So The Guardian and the ABC are now compiling stories with conspiracy theories about how a thousand or so tweets with a pedantic error mistaking legal action for arrests somehow demonstrates a mysterious disinformation campaign (it’s pro-ject-ion.)  The main mystery here is how a prof in Qld can mind read through twitter — Dr Graham tells us “The motivation underlying this often tends to not be changing people’s opinions about the bushfire itself and how it’s happening, but to sow discord and magnify already existing tensions in polarised political issues.”

Maybe people are just angry at the wanton, pointless and avoidable destruction, yeah?

The Love Media are downplaying the arrests in a situation where catching, charging and convicting people must be near impossible, so 24 arrests already for arson this season is remarkable. What’s more important to the nation, preventing arson, saving wilderness, or proof-reading-type errors on social media?

Firstly: Most of these fires are man-made but it’s arson and accidental* not climate change:

In NSW alone 24 people have been charged, with legal action happening against 180 in total ( that’s just in NSW) . MORE

14 Comments on The information war about arson figures

  1. What the environmentalists and their media pals REALLY don’t want to talk about is this:

    “New environmental policies that restrict ‘prescribed burning,’ where land owners burn off flammable ground cover in cooler months in a controlled manner so it doesn’t contribute to bushfires, have also exacerbated the problem.”

    If you restrict controlled burns, uncontrolled burns will increase in direct proportion. This is a well-known principle in land management. So the real problem here is not “climate change” or an increase in arson rates, but rather the irrational environmentalists who campaigned against controlled burns in the name of preventing “climate change,” thereby providing copious fuel for uncontrollable wildfires.

    I love the smell of irony in the morning.


  2. You need to think like a lefturd to understand the climate change connection. It goes like this.

    Underbrush and dead trees are caused by cow farts ruining the climate, thereby killing trees and Bush. Innocent refugees are simply used to lighting small fires for warmth because the US and Europe stole all the heat to make plastic straws to kill turtles with. If it wasn’t for the white male, vast rainforests would flourish and nothing would ever die or dry out.

  3. Yes animals are suffering. Animals lost habitat. But the people in the way of the fire lost EVERYTHING. Those people will suffer for years trying to rebuild the lives that were burned out from under them. That’s where 95% of my empathy goes. Bring beck the death penalty for this kind of shit shit.


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