Liz and Bernie Hosting Call With Pro-Tehran Lobby Group – IOTW Report

Liz and Bernie Hosting Call With Pro-Tehran Lobby Group

WFB: Democratic presidential contenders Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) are slated to host a conference call with an Iranian-American advocacy group that has been accused of lobbying on Tehran’s behalf.

Along with Reps. Ro Khanna (D., Calif.) and Barbara Lee (D., Calif.), Sanders and Warren are scheduled to speak Wednesday evening with members of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC). The group played a central role in what former Obama national security adviser Ben Rhodes called the administration’s pro-Iran Deal “echo chamber,” spinning journalists, lawmakers, and citizens.

The Democratic candidates’ willingness to engage with NIAC—a group that aggressively pushed the accord and has strongly advocated against U.S. sanctions on the Islamic Republic—reflects their desire to see America reenter the nuclear deal, which released up to $150 billion in cash to the regime. Much of that money has gone to fund Iran’s regional terror operations, including recent attacks on American personnel stationed in the region. read more

8 Comments on Liz and Bernie Hosting Call With Pro-Tehran Lobby Group

  1. TRAITORS! Both of them are commie scum and need to be removed from any position of authority preferably by being frog marched out in public view, shackled in chains by US Marshalls out of their offices and off to Federal prison forever or straight to the gallows. Our forefathers would’ve tarred and feathered them naked and then put them into stocks to have all sorts of nasty shit thrown at them by the pissed off public, it’s too bad we can’t do the same.


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