Ilhan Omar Says Iran Tensions Are Triggering Her PTSD – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar Says Iran Tensions Are Triggering Her PTSD


[…] Omar’s PTSD did not appear to affect her behavior later in the Wednesday press conference. She was seen laughing and talking in the background as fellow representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Tex.) spoke about casualties during the Iraq war. “Absolutely disgusting,” tweeted GOP rapid response director Steve Guest. read more

20 Comments on Ilhan Omar Says Iran Tensions Are Triggering Her PTSD

  1. Gettin’ just a bit sick of this one and have held back about commenting about her.

    That said, SICK AND TIRED OF THIS TREASONOUS bitch, she just about suggested her fellow observers in peace might consider DJT properties around the world as targets??! Anyone hear bout’ that one?

    GO back if being here is so dam traumatic.

    Where the fuck is the DOJ???

    DID I say sick and tired??

    My cold anger is boiling over.

  2. Oh no!

    Once again, the world revolves around liberals’ feelings and what they think about everything.

    Just like the crying faces at the Javits Center in 2016, “Shame on you voters making all these people cry!”

    That didnt work, we actually enjoyed it.

  3. What is really frustrating is that reasonable people are expected to allow her to do what she does without taking action against her TRAITOROUS actions. Eventually one of us will have had all they can take and wring her pathetic little neck. Which of course will bring the unlimited power of the government down on all of the PATRIOTS in this country. I think we are in a more perilous time than we were in 1776. At least then it was an outside influence we were fighting. Today it is clearly inside the borders TRAITORS that must be defeated!

  4. Don’t like it here? Then leave! Go home! (wherever that is)
    But as you leave, don’t forget to renounce your US citizenship (in writing, signed, witnessed, notarized) and turn in your passport. BEFORE you get on the plane.


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