Judges denied 70% of migrant asylum claims in 2019 – IOTW Report

Judges denied 70% of migrant asylum claims in 2019

WaEx: Nearly 70% of asylum claims that U.S. immigration judges ruled on in the government’s fiscal 2019 were denied, continuing a sharp uptick from 45% in the early 2010s, according to a nongovernmental tracker.

Data released Wednesday by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a nonpartisan data research center at Syracuse University, showed federal judges decided 67,406 requests for asylum. Of that number, judges found 46,735 claims were illegitimate and that those asylum-seekers had not suffered or were not in fear of persecution for race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. That denial rate has quadrupled from less than 10,000 in fiscal 2014. The fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

Judges granted protection in the remaining 19,831 cases of migrants who arrived at the United States-Mexico border and claimed a credible fear of returning home, double the number approved five years ago. It’s not clear how many total migrants sought asylum in 2019. read more

5 Comments on Judges denied 70% of migrant asylum claims in 2019

  1. This is BULLCRAP. We are full. Crime is through the roof. 22 Trillion in debt. And YES, there is over 100 MILLION illegal brown, muslim, asian and whatever else third world trash in this Country now. Trump and all the other POLs better come to terms with this fact or prepare for a Reckoning.

    Either the Patriot Citizens who rightfully inherited this Country from their long-ago ancestors need to stand up SOON, or kiss it good-bye for your children, grandchildren and even yourselves. The time to choose was yesterday or long ago, (Simpson-Mazoli), but those asleep and wanting to vote it away will anguish over “What Was”, FOREVER !!


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