Nolte: Chick-fil-A’s Chickensh*t Response After Smearing the Salvation Army – IOTW Report

Nolte: Chick-fil-A’s Chickensh*t Response After Smearing the Salvation Army

Breitbart: Chick-fil-A sold its Christian soul last year to the left’s gay mafia and now we’re learning its response to the criticism of this is just more mealy mouthed, corporate cowardice.

In a mercenary effort to expand its already considerable corporate wealth and power — you know, like Jesus told us to — Chick-fil-A not only sacrificed the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes — two highly respected and effective Christian organizations — to America’s fascist LGBT bullies, Chick-fil-A also crawled into bed with far-left hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

“There’s no question we know that, as we go into new markets, we need to be clear about who we are,” Chick-fil-A President and Chief Operating Officer Tim Tassopoulos said in November. “There are lots of articles and newscasts about Chick-fil-A, and we thought we needed to be clear about our message.”

And with that statement, announcing the pulling of its funding, Chick-fil-A joined the far-left mob in smearing two Christian organizations that do incredible work for the poor. You see, the statement basically says, we’re not bigots and homophobes like those “other” Christians.

Hey, we’re all used to corporate cowardice, and Chick-fil-A can donate its money to whomever it wants. That’s not the issue.

The issue is that this cowardly and greedy move was nothing less than Chick-fil-A agreeing with LGBT fascists that the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes deserve to be  lumped in with Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis.

To make matters worse, Chick-fil-A is now donating money to the SPLC, a legitimate hate group. Chick-fil-A also gave money to Covenant House, an organization that hosts those demonic drag queen story hours.

If all of that does not add up to selling your soul, nothing does.

And why did Chick-fil-A sell its soul?

Was this a company desperate to stay in business, a corporation worried about its employees if the bottom fell out?


Chick-fil-A is rolling in money and success. That’s what makes all of this especially disgusting. The company didn’t sell its soul out of desperation, it did so out of naked greed, it did so as a means to become even wealthier and more powerful.

Listen, I don’t expect corporations to be Christian, or to be Republican or Democrat. That’s why I don’t do boycotts. Out of my cold dead hands will you take away my Netflix and iPhone. But…

Chick-fil-A SOLD itself to us as fellow Christians. They wore that sheep’s clothing to hustle us, to con us, to sucker us in… Not me, though. Sure the chicken and service are good over there, but it’s way too expensive. I’ll take one of those godless ninety-nine cent McDonald’s cheeseburgers over a four dollar piece of Jesus Chicken any day of the week.


Over at The Stream, Todd Starnes is reporting the company has responded to criticism from Christians over its recent behavior. MORE HERE

19 Comments on Nolte: Chick-fil-A’s Chickensh*t Response After Smearing the Salvation Army

  1. As I used to say when I worked in the credit card industry…

    MBA stands for mealy-mouthed, bullshitting asshole. They’re always trying to find the “middle ground” even between right and wrong, which is, of course, just siding with wrong but being a fucking weasel in denial about it.

  2. Chick-fil-a is done, without a miracle, soon. It will no longer be family-friendly with all the shootings, robberies, homeless squatting (in more ways than one), fights and LGBTQ “events” destine to be the new Chick-fil-a experience. Very disturbing the Samuel Truett Cathy legacy is now tainted by a leftist takeover permitted by his reprobate desendents.

  3. The Iron Rule of Corporatism is that the bigger a company gets, the more likely the leftists from the Ivy League will take control of it. This is inevitable: a matter of “when” rather than “if”. It’s why I left corporate America after twenty years to take a management position in small business.

  4. Judas-fil-A is done to me … used to go out of my way just to go there instead of somewhere else

    like the article said, from now on I’d rather quash a Mickey D’s $1 burger than a dried-up chicken sandwich just because it has a pickle

    btw, McD’s is doing a 2 for $5 on Big Macs & Fish Filets right now … ahhh, memories of my youth 🙂

  5. I never went there as I thought their prices were a bit too high for the food they serve. When I want chicken, a small, locally owned grocery store near me has a deli that has some of the best fried chicken I’ve ever tasted.

  6. A preacher I know has always sarcastically referred to it as the Sanctified Chicken Place, as he’s old and wise enough to know it’s just another company, it was all just an image.

  7. Accusing them of corporate greed, well the reality is every company should have its primary focus/responsibility to iinvestors / owners to get them the best financial return. If this is what they decided buyers can react with their wallet. People can choose instead to donate to the Salvation Army instead of going to Chick-fil-a. I’m not sure it is really fair to rip a company that still is extremely generous. I can’t imagine the constant pressure and toll that it takes to have to fight for every location, get leases terminated etc. Human beings are running this and clearly the day to day attacks pushed them over the edge.

  8. Crystal clear, sellouts.
    Real stupid thing to do in the competitive world of fast food; there’s practically competition on every city corner.
    And a chicken sandwich isn’t THAT unique, but I believe they’re going to learn that lost loyalty to a brand that stands for a certain ethic will be irreplaceable.

  9. I’m boycotting. My wife likes it still. I will drop her off at the door, then go park and wait for her. I’m not going inside. I’ll take her home and then go to the Weinerschnitzel for some chili dogs.

    I’ve boycotted Levi’s for 20 years now for their support for queers in the Boy Scouts.


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