Farage Says Prince Harry Has ‘Let the Side Down’, Compares Meghan to Wallis Simpson – IOTW Report

Farage Says Prince Harry Has ‘Let the Side Down’, Compares Meghan to Wallis Simpson

Breitbart: Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage believes Prince Harry has “let the side down”, and compared his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, to Wallis Simpson, another American divorcee whose relationship with the Royal Family brought down a king.

The Brexit campaigner was speaking on his LBC radio show after the royal couple announced, reportedly without informing Queen Elizabeth II, that they would be shirking their duties as “senior royals” to pursue private business ventures — but not, apparently, giving up their titles or their home renovated at public expense. read more

24 Comments on Farage Says Prince Harry Has ‘Let the Side Down’, Compares Meghan to Wallis Simpson

  1. I’d say this Meghan Bitch is much worse than Simpson … Megan Bitch got her panties in a bunch when she saw that pic of the Royal succession & it didn’t include her & her hubby … Simpson knew that Edward was throwing away the crown

    Meghan would have to kill off a bunch of Windsors to get to be the Princess & her progeny to be King (or Queen) … since that ain’t gonna happen, looks like she’s willing to cut out one of the Royal Family spite …

    what a scrunt

    btw, the Windsors haven’t married well since Elizabeth was forced to marry Prince Phillip of Greece … guy’s a sniveling rat, just like his son

    … & these dipwads don’t even have the courage to go out on their own … they’re still sucking on the teat of monarchy

  2. Meghan Markle was a ‘yacht girl’, peddling her pussy. She faked her pregnancy, wearing a ‘moon bump’ that was caught on film at different times totally collapsing then popping back into shape, swinging to and fro in time with Meghan’s clomping feet, and slipping down to her knees. She got so wasted at her $500,000 baby shower that she forgot to even put on the moon bump and was filmed leaving a hotel with a flat stomach whilst supposedly 8+ months pregnant. She and Harry have perpetrated fraud on the British people and they should be stripped of their titles and their taxpayer funded lifestyle.

  3. HRH must stand for Her Royal Hustlers now. They belong in Hollywood with Oprah and the Kardashians. Harry has definitely gone over to the edge of reason. He’s the new Black Prince. Worthless as teats on a boring Spare to the Throne. If our Revolutionary Forefathers hadn’t thrown off King George’s redcoats, we might be stuck supporting these two mental delinquents. They will make a fine addition to daytime talk shows and late night nonsense.

  4. Poor harry, getting himself mixed up with a narcissist, let alone a re-tread older than him by 3 years.

    She’s hollywood scum, and now by association and capitulation, so is he.

  5. Harry may be officially a royal, but let’s face it – he’s probably not Charles son. More than likely his father is James Hewitt. Diana did sleep around, and it got worse when Charles started chasing after his childhood sweetheart, Camilla who he’s married to now.
    She was married to someone else and had kids when Charles and Diana got married which was likely arranged, not based on love, so there could be an heir to the crowm after Charles.

    (Note: Im excluding royal titles because they will make comments way too long.)

    It’s got to be common knowledge among the royal family, Harry may not be a part of the royal bloodline.
    Since Harry has his own son now, born of a commoner and foreigner, the issue of Harry’s real father may have finally become a stumbling block.
    To save face, Harry is allowed separate from the royals. Meagan may be sleazy, but the real problem is the doubt that Harry is a Windsor. The drama over Harry’s separation from the royals is a cover up to prevent a more detrimintal embarrassing scandal that Harry might not be Charles’son.
    Eventually, this will blow over. Harry, Meghan and Archie plus sibling(s) will settle in Canada and The United States, fawn over by Hollyweird, progressive elites and other stupid left leaning tools.

  6. I’ve never understood why any American would have the slightest interest in what the Brit Royals do. Or any other so-called Royals in any other country that still funds their existence. As No Blushes stated, not since 1776.

    Then there’s the parallel complete nonsense of American MSM that wants to pick some American family as America’s Royal Family. However, they do select them using a pretty low standard. So maybe they hold them in low esteem, too. Such as: Kennedys, Kardashians, Clintons, – Good grief, Snoopy fire up the biplane and fly us out of crazy land.

  7. Out of respect for Queen Elizabeth the Brits should let her live out her life as is. But, the minute she passes, they should boot the rest of the royal grifters out and move past this king and queen nonsense.

  8. …what are they on about, anyway? Islam doesn’t have kings, it has caliphs, and THEY don’t qualify, so the whole thing is rather moot once the beheadings Mohammad requires start anyway…

  9. Who dafuq they think they are?

    Another bunch of drunken perverts?

    The Kennedys all screwed their sister (and Old Joe his daughter) til she went nuts (or so the story goes) and the royals are running to catch up. Guess the Epstein episode wasn’t enough publicity? Where’s Christine Keeler when you need her? Oh, she had the decency to die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Harry isn’t the son of the future king. Rather than admit that Charles was cuckholded by Diana and remove him from the line of succession, the royal family allowed him to wed a former sex worker who was rendered unable to bear children from multiple abortions so as to prevent any future progeny that would be in the line of succession, albeit pretty far down. Ginger and Nutmeg had other ideas and hired a surrogate, thus the fake pregnancy.

    For those who are asking why anyone would care, it bothers me not because I give a hoot about the British Royal family but because I hate to see two grifters and malignant narcissists pulling off a scam and getting away with it.

  11. Hmmm… Kings and Queens are good cards in poker, but kings and queens are a really primitive form of ruling culture. A king is just the guy who ran the crew that killed down all the other crews and took over the place, or his descendant. A queen is his bottom woman, or the current occupant of the throne the original thug stole from the people. Kind of a bore, but exciting enough when the warring was going on I suppose.


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