Supreme Court Orders Fast Response In Obamacare Challenge – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Orders Fast Response In Obamacare Challenge

Daily Caller: The Supreme Court ordered the Trump administration and a coalition of red states Monday to respond by Friday to a petition asking the justices to immediately take up a challenge to the Affordable Care Act.

Setting the case on an expedited timeline ensures the justices can hear the case during the current term if they so choose. A coalition of blue states defending Obamacare asked the high court to resolve the appeal by June, given the stakes of the litigation.

“Were the Court to consider and grant the petition and hear argument in the ordinary course … there is little chance that it would resolve this dispute for at least another year,” the blue states wrote in a motion to expedite consideration of their petition on Jan. 3. “In the meantime, participants in our healthcare system would have to make critical choices — indeed, life-changing ones — without knowing whether important provisions of the ACA will be invalidated.”

“By expediting its consideration of the petition and resolving the case this Term, this Court would allay that uncertainty and improve confidence in the markets about the future of the healthcare sector,” the motion adds.

Time is pressing because the Supreme Court generally finalizes its docket for a given term in mid-January. On occasion, the justices will take urgent appeals after that deadline, as they did with the 2019 dispute over the Trump administration’s bid to add a citizenship question to the census form.

The justices will meet in private conference three times in January to discuss pending appeals and make decisions as to which cases they will hear. It’s not clear whether all parties in the ACA dispute will submit legal filings in time for the court to consider the dispute during a January conference. After the January meetings, the justices won’t meet in private conference again until Feb. 21. more

6 Comments on Supreme Court Orders Fast Response In Obamacare Challenge

  1. This gives Chief Justice John Roberts another chance to continue wasting billions of dollars on this hopeless mess, so that the only way to fix Obamacare is universal heath care for everyone. I won’t feel safe until he retires, even if it’s before Justice Ginsburg. He’s W’s second biggest mistake after the Invasion of Iraq.

  2. “In the meantime, participants in our healthcare system would have to make critical choices — indeed, life-changing ones — without knowing whether important provisions of the ACA will be invalidated.”???????

    You fux voted the “important provisions of the ACA”into law before you knew what the hell they were and now we gotta hurry?

  3. 90% of what the congress wants to do to the citizens of this country is unconstitutional! All the Justices need is a stamp that reads unconstitutional, which one of the conservatives can be assigned to wield, and the rest of the skirts can continue to take 3/4th of the year off!


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