MSM Reports: John Huber Completes Review of Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, Finds Nothing – IOTW Report

MSM Reports: John Huber Completes Review of Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, Finds Nothing

CTH: As with all things MSM it’s worth considering with a dose of salt. However, that said, media are now reporting that U.S. Attorney John Huber has completed his review of the Clinton Foundation and Uranium-One and found nothing worth pursuing.

This would be a major disappointment for Q-decoders and Trusty Planners who claimed John Huber had hundreds of investigators spanning several states and were forecasting: (1) a suspension of Habeas Corpus, (2) military tribunals, (3) mass arrests based on over 60,000 sealed indictments; and (5) pending incarcerations at Guantanamo Bay.

WASHINGTON – A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.

John Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, was tapped in November 2017 by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into concerns raised by President Trump and his allies in Congress that the FBI had not fully pursued cases of possible corruption at the Clinton Foundation and during Clinton’s time as secretary of state, when the U.S. government decided not to block the sale of a company called Uranium One.


22 Comments on MSM Reports: John Huber Completes Review of Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, Finds Nothing

  1. “Review”??? Prosecutors don’t do “reviews”. Internal management does “reviews”, e.g. an IG. Congressional committees do “reviews”. Prosecutors investigate for crimes. If there’s evidence they indict. If there’s no evidence, then you get nothing.

    Who would Huber have been “reviewing”? Clinton and Obama people who got immunity from the FBI? Executive branch people exercising “executive discretion”? FBI people regarding whom, Huber, a peer, was assigned a headfake job by useless (compromised or incompetent) Sessions, in lieu of an IG investigation or a special counsel? Or the criminally corrupt investigation of crimes all committed years ago and as to which the five-year Statute of Limitations now has expired?

    This is all horseshit. So is yet another anonymously sourced news story.

  2. He likes to breathe and be above ground and is part of the DC swamp. He didn’t really review anything just waited a sufficient period of time to say nothing to see here. Although one could almost argue too long, most brain dead dem voters don’t even know there was a so called investigation since she was publicly exonerated by Comey years ago.

  3. once again the clinton crime family skates on by….

    if the American people want justice for themselves in regards to our elected oligarchs, then they better be prepared to do it themselves or suffer the consequences for not doing it….. continued slavery to the man

  4. OIG cannot reveal any evidence currently involved in ongoing criminal cases so the appearance of this being a ‘nothing burger’ is not relevant to its actual result.

  5. Makes a person wonder if we ever had law and order in this country. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t believe anything anymore. FBICIADOJDIARNCDNCJAG, just letters in the alphabet that you can makes words with and tell lies.

  6. Stay seated, Hillary. Do not throw your hat in the ring, or your shoe in the gutter, for 2020. The Undercoverup Huber was done for Barky’s benefit, not yours. Best to tweet a gloat and then STFU.

  7. As a State Department employee, Hillary amassed a fortune of almost $3 billion…to , in any way, find that to be legal is blatant power that tells us that we are on the road to serfdom.


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