Fact Checkers Nuke Joe Biden on Foreign Policy – IOTW Report

Fact Checkers Nuke Joe Biden on Foreign Policy


Fact checkers from a number of different establishment media operations crushed former Vice President Joe Biden this week as the issue of Iranian aggression continues to captivate the nation just weeks from the Iowa caucuses.

The shift to foreign policy in the national political debate has not been kind to Biden, who has been hammered by everyone from PolitiFact, to the Washington Post, to even CNN.

Just this week, three brutal fact checks came crushing down on Biden–whom Breitbart News and President Donald Trump’s campaign earlier this week exposed as regularly lying about foreign policy–on a number of different fronts.

First off, PolitiFact nailed the former vice president for embellishing claims about his role in former President Barack Obama’s decision to order the raid that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011.

In an exchange with Fox News’s Peter Doocy last week, Biden lied and claimed that he was supportive of Obama’s decision to send in the special forces team that killed bin Laden:

Doocy: “As commander in chief, if you were ever handed a piece of intelligence that said you can stop an imminent attack on Americans but you have to use an airstrike to take out a terror leader, would you pull the trigger?”

Biden: “Well, we did. Guy’s name was Osama bin Laden.”

Doocy: “Didn’t you tell President Obama not to go after bin Laden?”

Biden: “No, I didn’t. I didn’t.”

That was untrue, as Breitbart News and many other outlets have noted. Biden did oppose the raid, as he, Obama himself, then-White House press secretary Jay Carney, and several Obama Cabinet officials confirmed at the time.

PolitiFact’s Amy Sherman nailed Biden for this, writing in part:

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