Bloomberg’s big-spending TV ad campaign has made politicking more expensive for everyone – IOTW Report

Bloomberg’s big-spending TV ad campaign has made politicking more expensive for everyone

American Thinker: As the hardiest survivors of the Democratic clown car fantasize about taking on President Trump, they’ve got this other problem, a rat of sorts eating into their seed corn while they were deranging about Trump.  According to Politico:

Michael Bloomberg’s big-spending, shock-and-awe TV ad campaign has made politicking more expensive for everyone from his 2020 rivals to Senate, House and state legislative candidates around the country.

Eight weeks into his presidential campaign, Bloomberg has already spent more money on advertising — $248 million — than most candidates could spend in years. That amount has squeezed TV ad inventory in nearly every state, lowering supply and causing stations to raise ad prices at a time of high demand, as candidates around the country gear up for their primaries.

It’s easy for an outsider to view Bloomberg’s big-spending television ad campaign as just a rich man’s ego trip, but for Democrats, this is no laughing matter.  Bloomberg is driving the cost of ads up for them, leaving them with fewer resources with which to battle Trump, while at the same time not moving up himself up much in the polls.  That should leave them debilitated, with tuned out voters and no money to address them when they want to.  read more

11 Comments on Bloomberg’s big-spending TV ad campaign has made politicking more expensive for everyone

  1. LCD…did they bring that up at their debates? Didn’t think so. But wait till it’s one on one with Trump and they’ll be crying he’s trying to buy the election. You can bank on it.

  2. So, as usual, he fucks up everything he touches.

    Why can’t rich maggots like Bloomberg just go home and shut the fuck up?
    He’s fucked up enough already and – it should be obvious even to him – that no one wants to live in a world where he’s dictator.

    He’s not Napoleon. He’s not Hitler. He’s not Mao. He’s not Stalin.
    But he strives to be some sick, weird combination of them.

    Get some help, dude, and leave us alone.

    izlamo delenda est …


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