7 States Move to Ban Males From Female Sports as Dems Work Overtime to Force Trans Agenda – IOTW Report

7 States Move to Ban Males From Female Sports as Dems Work Overtime to Force Trans Agenda

PJM: In the early days of the 2020 legislative session, seven states have introduced bills to keep male students from entering and competing in female sports. New HampshireArizonaIdahoWashingtonGeorgiaTennessee, and Missouri have taken steps to end the unfair practice of allowing males to compete against females in school sports. Several high-profile cases have highlighted the unfair advantage that males have against females, creating a firestorm surrounding this issue nationwide.

Eighteen states already prohibit males competing in female sports and if passed, the new legislation would bring that number to twenty-five. The American Conservative reported the controversy:

In high school sports, for example, there is no conclusive, federal policy for transgender inclusion, so each state—and even [county] and local jurisdiction—is making its own determinations. According to the pro-LGBT advocate group GLSEN, there are 18 states that have policies that prohibit transgender students to participate in high school athletics. According to Transathlete.com, eight states including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, and Texas, say that a student’s sex, as recorded on their birth certificate, determines whether they play on women’s or men’s teams. This has of course been called discriminatory by trans advocates.

As usual, Democrat strategy when the states exercise their rightful authority to stop insane leftist ideas is to turn to the feds and lawsuits to force their will down our throats in the form of the Equality Act — passed by the House in 2019 but not voted on by the Senate. There is a case in front of the Supreme Court now that will have wide-reaching consequences based on the outcome of the question, “does the 1964 Civil Rights Act that prevents sex discrimination also include gender identity?” The justices seem to understand that their decision could lead to major societal upheaval. read more

11 Comments on 7 States Move to Ban Males From Female Sports as Dems Work Overtime to Force Trans Agenda

  1. “7 States Move to Ban Males From Female Sports as Dems Work Overtime to Force Trans Agenda”

    Who would’ve thought we would see that headline?

    Yep, we’ve arrived. Enjoy the ride to the bottom.

  2. I’ll keep tossing my solution out there for consideration for anyone who’ll listen.

    Do away with Men’s/Women’s and Boys/Girls distinctions for all sports competitions. Replace with a distinction that has nothing to do with genitalia, “gender identity”, or sexual preference. One division will be exclusively for people with two X chromosomes, and one division will be exclusively for people with one X and one Y chromosome.

    Problem solved, and the solution pulls the rug out from under one of the prog’s currently cherished perverted social agenda items.

  3. The promoters, coaches, sponsors, and people who know better have all allowed this disgusting travesty to happen. It’s no secret, it’s not a sexist insult that men and women are different in almost every way. A man can’t put on a dress and become a woman, and a woman can’t get a crewcut and become a man.
    Viva la difference.

  4. I think 5 years from now we will see a path back towards normalcy. Perhaps acceptance of people who choose to act other than their given sex, but not inclusion of them when it harms others. But I think that we’re going to see a lot of ugliness on the way there.

  5. the legacy of that closet freak obama.
    We can only imagine – though we have enough disgusting clues – what is under the clothing of that beast beta barry drags around.

  6. States doing a soft secede, and that’s how a divorce should be.

    When you don’t see eye-to-eye–NAH! when you both exist on completely different parallel universes, it’s time to break away and call it quits.

  7. [Medium shot. Two silhouettes on a hilltop. Much manly cuckservative man, wraps an arm around his current wife’s son. Facing dawn.]

    “Can you see it? Son? Such, much manly son?
    Lesbians! Lesbians, everywhere! It’s glorious!
    It’s…” (sniff)

    [symphony swells]

    “what Jesus wanted.”

  8. Sadly the laws in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, and Texas would not work in Colorado. We now allow people to legally change the sex on their birth certificates, without surgery.
    Our great state started getting californicated a number of years ago and now we have to deal with the same crap that is pushing people out of that state.


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