CNN just rigged its New Hampshire town halls by snubbing Tulsi Gabbard – IOTW Report

CNN just rigged its New Hampshire town halls by snubbing Tulsi Gabbard

Now, why would the CNN be ignoring Tulsi Gabbard?

Oh yeah, that’s right…

WaEx: Everybody knows the Establishment hates Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

The Hawaii Democrat and 2020 presidential candidate doesn’t bite her tongue when it comes to criticizing her party and the liberal media establishment for betraying the Left’s anti-war values or propping up candidates with long histories of corruption. This has earned her many enemies among the Democratic Party’s establishment, and that has real consequences. Just look at the way CNN snubbed her from its upcoming New Hampshire town hall series.

On Friday, the network announced it will host eight presidential town halls leading up to the New Hampshire Democratic primary. Here’s the list of the candidates it decided to include: Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Yang, Tom SteyerBernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Deval Patrick. Notice anything?

14 Comments on CNN just rigged its New Hampshire town halls by snubbing Tulsi Gabbard

  1. She was a socialist loving Sanders supporter in 2016.

    What gives with that? Having been an officer in the military, and then supporting socialism makes her very suspect in my opinion. Didn’t military conservatism and patriotism rub off on her?

    The democrap contenders make up an ignorant clown posse and none of them deserve support from us for any reason. Her breaking with Pelosi and Hildabeast is no more than a quarrel between criminals about the best way to pull off a robbery.


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