Dems Kill Amendment Protecting Americans from Credit Discrimination Based on Politics, Religion – IOTW Report

Dems Kill Amendment Protecting Americans from Credit Discrimination Based on Politics, Religion

Breitbart: Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Wednesday against an amendment to a proposed bill that would prevent the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) from forcing credit reporting agencies to evaluate Americans based on political opinions or religious beliefs.

Without such an amendment, Republicans warn, the powerful CFPB would have the legal authority to make nearly any criteria mandatory for a private credit evaluation company to take into consideration, paving the way for a system in which the federal government has the power to assign numerical scores to individuals based on their loyalty to a certain political party, membership in civil society groups that the government approves or disapproves of, or other private behaviors.

The system, they say, would mirror the newly minted “social credit system” in place in China, which bans citizens from key social services like public transportation if they lose too many points behaving in a way the Communist Party disapproves of.

The CFPB, the brainchild of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), is an executive agency that does not answer to the presidency, making it unaccountable to anyone but its head. The constitutionality of giving an unelected body the power to impose its demands on private individuals and corporations has been the subject of extensive debate, and the unique power given to a bureau director triggered an aggressive fight for the seat after founding director Richard Cordray, chosen by President Barack Obama, resigned. read more

7 Comments on Dems Kill Amendment Protecting Americans from Credit Discrimination Based on Politics, Religion

  1. The only way to get rid of it is to take back the house and dry up their funding.
    It’s just another tool to abuse conservatives. Applying for loans now requires that you grant access to your web history. I thought that was very odd and intrusive but now I see why. Creeps!

  2. whether I’m pro-life or support President Trump matters when I want a new car? Uh-oh. So much for”life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our constitution.

    Sound pretty schiffty if you ask me.

  3. Nothing new. Obama started this giant ball of slime and it’s getting bigger. Remember when the magic negro health curse passed (railroaded)? Suddenly there were about 15 more sign-in pages at the Doc’s. That was when I started withholding info or flat out lying on forms. Why would my doctor want to know if we had any guns in our home. It is all out war against the Constitution of the United (and divide) States of America.


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