No Eggs – IOTW Report

11 Comments on No Eggs

  1. Not having babies would be a smart sustainable strategy for any modern nation that did not allow replacement immigration. It’s exacty what the progressives claim they want, but then they import third world populations that destroy the solution to environmental degradation.

  2. Low birth rates…. Could it be an unintended consequence of cell phones?

    Carrying your phone in your pants pocket bombarding your ovaries and testicles with non stop radiation can’t be good for anyone…
    I see it everyday, over and over…

  3. Meanwhile the third word is producing like rabbits and putting more strain on the western world with the endless herds of hungry parasites. This isn’t going to end well.

  4. The monster the left is creating by importing foreigners and government
    indoctrination centers (schools) and 95% communist media isn’t going to end well. Most of the schools I drive by are 80 or 90% Mexican students who will end up voting Democrat almost always. The numbers aren’t in our favor.
    We need a voucher system for all parents where they can take those vouchers to any school they want. Burn down the Monopoly the left has on education and the media.
    Make education pro-choice now.
    It might be a better idea to have each parent pay for their child’s education, but that’s just my thought. If you created a child it should be your responsibility not everybody else’s that didn’t create it. Paying for something out of your own pocket has the ability to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth.

  5. We are rich beyond the dreams of the old kings.
    Life is no longer “ugly, brutal and short” and
    we are all spoiled by easy living.
    The “Great Struggles” of the past are gone.
    In the West there are no hungry masses, diseases
    that kept children dying are gone. Children also
    demand a huge amount of time and effort and no
    longer contribute to the support of the family income
    as they once did. Combine those things with the
    lack of a net of female, inter-family support that
    once eased those burdens. It is gone into the labor
    pool or the assisted living facilities.
    Apparently, Nature has figured out a way to rid
    itself of what it considers unproductive lotus eaters
    and is doing so with quick and final results.

  6. I almost never write a “backup” to what I already said,
    but I will add one more point for contemplation.
    In reading of the Roman wars in Gaul and the Germanies
    I came upon stories in which a tribe suffered a damaging battle in which many warriors were lost.
    The women would throw themselves upon the remaining
    warriors, demanding that they bear the sons to raise up
    as new warriors to protect the tribe.
    We will get “New Eggs” only when “Great Struggles” appear.
    Eventually they took Rome.

  7. Women are encouraged to further their education and go to work
    Not saying thats bad but it runs counter to raising kids and staying home. Inflation and stagnating wages force more women into the work force to earn extra $. Overcrowded cities make it harder and more expensive to purchase larger homes. These all work vs affordable family formation.


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