Trump signs order creating post focused on human trafficking – IOTW Report

Trump signs order creating post focused on human trafficking

WGN: WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump marked the 20th anniversary Friday of federal legislation to help combat human trafficking by dedicating a new White House position to the issue.

Surrounded by survivors, administration officials and members of Congress, Trump signed an executive order creating the position at the conclusion of a White House summit on human trafficking.

He declared his administration “100 percent committed to eradicating human trafficking from the earth,” and called the practice a form of “modern-day slavery.”

A candidate has yet to be identified for the new post, which would be an addition to the Domestic Policy Council, and would be filled with someone detailed to the White House from another government agency, officials said.

Trump has sought to elevate human trafficking since taking office by speaking publicly about the issue and inviting reporters into his White House meetings with victims and anti-trafficking advocates. read more

3 Comments on Trump signs order creating post focused on human trafficking

  1. This is an incredibly important issue. I wish whoever takes the job puts together some sort of public info about how to spot trafficking/traffickers. All foreign nationals who have tried to claim refuge using children unrelated to them should automatically be deemed human traffickers and treated that way under law, as well as those who sell/”loan” for money their own children for that purpose.

    And, yeah, I’m sure that the reporters who have been invited to the WH to cover this topic have been eager to seize the opportunity to help the public understand and to help our president eradicate human trafficking, child sexual predation and bondage. “Mr. President, Mr. President! What is your response to congressman Nadler’s charge that you’re a dictator?”

  2. Anonymous is closer to the target than we know. PDJT has a strategic plan to dismantle the deep state. There is a worldwide satanic cabal who is behind the sex trafficking and pedophilia.

    Global elites from nations worldwide are using sex trafficking as a 30 billion revenue stream. PDJT is cutting off their revenue through perversion scheme.

    He is subsequently choking off the power and control of the deep state by eliminating the opportunity for blackmail of the power brokers by the deep state over their perversion and pedophilia.

    The post industrial revolution created the global cabal of the 1% of the 1% and Lucifer has guided them to world dominance.

    They control our culture, our governments, the Alphabet agencies, our education system, our media, our banking systems, most religious denominations, and our entertainment industry, big tech and military industrial complex.

    PDJT is undoing over a century of the evil of this satanic cabal as God’s chosen instrument.

    Thus his prosecution of Epstein. There is a storm coming soon to to a theater near you.


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