Lindsey Graham Goes Off on Schumer After Friday’s Vote – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Goes Off on Schumer After Friday’s Vote

16 Comments on Lindsey Graham Goes Off on Schumer After Friday’s Vote

  1. No geoff, the seven words are, ” shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and teats.” I was in junior high when Carlin did this bit and committed it to memory for life.

  2. Senator Graham called out Schmuck Chomper
    for the liar that he is.

    Witnesses were totally unnecessary because
    the smellocrats failed to allege grounds
    for impeachment.

    Their case was so unfounded that summary
    dismissal upon presentment was warranted.

  3. Bullshit still counts because it has shit in it. Steve Largent the former receiver for the Seattle Seahawks and erstwhile politician when he was running for Governor of Oklahoma about 20 years ago lost his bid to be Governor because he said bullshit in a speech and the good Baptists and other namby pamby Christians didn’t vote for him because he swore in public. Like they’d never used that word before.

  4. Ditto on Beach Mom.
    This guy just jumps back and forth too much to be trusted. Especially considering his former allegiance with McShitstain. A couple days ago he was offering Shifty a blow job. He needs to MTFU and take a position.

  5. I think some talented person here could come up with a long sentence using George Carlin’s 7 words to describe the Democrats on this fiasco? I’m not much of a good cusser, but I’d be willing to read it with great interest.

  6. No geoff, the seven words are, ” shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and teats.”

    We are all tired of the shit brought about while the demoncraps pissed their pants when they tried to fuck DJT, but ended up getting kicked in their cunts and heard that cocksucker Schiffer yelling at the motherfucker Nadless to drop his belt below his tits.

    Later the Donald could be heard with the microphones off telling Pelosey to get a lip lock on the snotty end of his cock and suck till his forhead caved in.

    Good enough Toenex?


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