Pro-life Dems ‘Fed Up’ with Party’s ‘Abortion Extremism’ – IOTW Report

Pro-life Dems ‘Fed Up’ with Party’s ‘Abortion Extremism’

Breitbart: Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, has threatened to withdraw support from candidates who would exclude pro-life Democrats from the party.

“We’ve had enough,” Ms. Day told Catholic News Agency (CNA) this week following an encounter with presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg who said he would be willing to live without the support of pro-life voters in order to maintain his total support for abortion-on-demand.

As Breitbart News reported, Buttigieg told Ms. Day that there is no room for the pro-life position in the Democrat Party and that he would never support any restrictions on abortion.

“I am pro-choice, and I believe that a woman ought to be able to make that decision,” Buttigieg said in a Fox News town hall in Iowa when questioned by Day regarding the party’s diversity and inclusion of pro-life people.

In her interview with CNA, Day expressed her dismay over the Democrats’ utter subservience to the abortion industry, noting that pro-life Democrats are simply “fed up.”

These presidential candidates “are so afraid of the abortion lobby” that they will make no room for pro-life Democrats, she said, because “they’re afraid that they’re going to lose all their money and support.”

“I just wanted to know if he [Buttigieg] thought there was room for us in the party. And he doesn’t,” she said. read more

19 Comments on Pro-life Dems ‘Fed Up’ with Party’s ‘Abortion Extremism’

  1. Democrats for Life of America

    Well well, the slowest and dumbest horse finally crosses the realization line.

    The is as bad as that time “Satanists for Christ” finally figured out the church doesn’t want anything to do with them.

    Captain Obvious is LOUDLY rolling his eyeballs.

  2. Abortion = big $$$. They’re in the way of that $$$ so the Democrat party will tell them what the Methodist church just told older members who are against sodomy: we don’t want or need you, so go away.

  3. The money that Planned Parenthood uses to leverage support from candidates comes from the federal government. Taxpayers are the ones subsidizing that outfit that in turn provides funding to dems.
    Nice trick they’ve pulled, voting to fill their own coffers with tax money and leaving republicans to their own devices.

    When is this bullshit going to be stopped?

  4. …Democrats seem very eager to kill the White and Black children of citizens, but are ALSO quite enthusiastuc about Black and Brown FOREIGN women giving birth, as long as it’s on AMERICAN soil.

    …those aren’t ABORTION clinics on the border…

    …it’s almost like they want a REPLACEMENT population that’s already trained to obey dictators, or something.


  5. The abortion fanatic’s mindset is the same as that of the environmentalist: it is necessary to survival for many humans to die, but it’s always humans whose faces they do not have to see, whose eyes they never look into.

    Their hearts are bent on a lust for anonymous murder.

  6. @ Gin Blossom – “…Taxpayers are the ones subsidizing that outfit that in turn provides funding to dems…”

    That is the playbook as to how the politicians enrich themselves and their corporate donors. US foreign aid to (pick any country), hefty donations made to, oh I don’t known, the Clinton Global Foundation perhaps, by said recipient of foreign aid. Not to mention the various contract given to NGO’s in said foreign countries, which come back to the politician instrumental in the awarding of those contracts, in the form of political donations.

    It’s a racket, and probably a violation of RICO laws.

  7. Moloch
    Abbadon (Abedin)

    They all relish infanticide and require child-sacrifice. You could add “Globaloney Warming” and “Green Energy,” too (both are sick religions of slavery, oppression, and destruction).

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I am fed up with the catch-phrase lie that pro-abortion people use, “a woman’s right to control her own body”.

    Forgetting the basic fact that it denies the fetus’ right to life, what the women are saying is, “I want the right to have unprotected sex freely without consequences.” Call it what it is and stop masking it as “controlling your body”.

  9. grool FEBRUARY 2, 2020 AT 8:25 AM
    “The abortion fanatic’s mindset is the same as that of the environmentalist: it is necessary to survival for many humans to die, but it’s always humans whose faces they do not have to see, whose eyes they never look into.”

    …do you ever notice in the “Some people need to die to save the world” movements, the people in CHARGE of the movement NEVER volunteer to be FIRST ‘for the good of humanity’?

    …for some reason, it’s always people they don’t LIKE that have to be the ones sacrificed to Baal…I mean, Gaia, pretty convenient for them…

  10. SNS,

    Yep. They’re cowardly, hypocritical murderers who never lead by example. Faceless billions are expendable but never, ever themselves. It tells you that they’re not really interested in saving the world, they just want other people dead. People they don’t even know. So more of the world’s resources belong to them.

    Also notice that, instead of having themselves safely and painlessly sterilized “for the survival of the world,” they prefer to remain fertile and murder their unintended “product of conception.” What does that tell us about them?

  11. “I am pro-choice, and I believe that a woman ought to be able to make that decision,” Buttigieg said

    Petey B is also pro-choice when it comes to choosing where he stuffs his stiff chub snake. But for the sake of decorum here, I’ll let you all guess as to where those two choices might be. 🥰


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