Leaked Documents Reveal Pope Francis’ Plan to Open the Door to Married Priests – IOTW Report

Leaked Documents Reveal Pope Francis’ Plan to Open the Door to Married Priests

CFP: What we have suspected all along is now confirmed. Leaked documents reveal that Pope Francis’ forthcoming Apostolic Exhortation of the Amazonian Synod is an attempt to open the door to married priests in the Catholic Church. 

According to a late-breaking story from LifeSiteNews, “Pope Francis’ post-synodal exhortation of the Amazon Synod will abolish celibacy, according to several bishops who have leaked the document.”  (LifeSiteNews, January 31, 2020)

The article states: “According to documents obtained by Corrispondenza Romana, the apostolic exhortation, due for release in February, reproduces verbatim a paragraph dedicated to priestly celibacy in the synod’s final document.”

In a clear break from Church teaching, the exhortation says: 

“We know that this discipline [of priestly celibacy] ‘is not demanded by the very nature of the priesthood.’” Going on it says: “We propose that criteria and dispositions be established by the competent authority, within the framework of Lumen Gentium 26, to ordain as priests suitable and respected men of the community with a legitimately constituted and stable family.”

Professor Roberto de Mattei, who received the leaked documents from “several bishops,” says, “There is no reason to prohibit in other regions of the world what will be permitted in some parts of the Amazon.”  read more

21 Comments on Leaked Documents Reveal Pope Francis’ Plan to Open the Door to Married Priests

  1. “Inspired by God.”

    That’s how they have twisted and edited Christianity so far away from the Bible, you’d swear the whole thing is now “Inspired by Satan.”

    How they get around homosexual priest activity is to say. “Well, they are still celibate (unmarried) but never took a vow of chasity (sexless).”

    I recognize Catholics as an evil cult using Jesus’ name to market to fools.

  2. Peter had a wife, and the Bible warns of ministers of Satan forbidding others to marry, so…okay.

    Unless he means he wants married homo priests, which this could be a step toward since he recently reinstated an openly homo, sexually active collar jockey.

    “Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.” 1 Tim 4:3

    Hey, whaddaya know, that’s Lent, aka Tammuz worship.

  3. “I recognize Catholics as an evil cult using Jesus’ name to market to fools.”

    What made up religion do you belong to? If not for the Catholic Church you would not have had the chance to build your fake church.

  4. “If not for the Catholic Church…”


    God preserved His words among men even when devilish papists kept the Latin translation (which, oddly, only priests and monks could read) chained to a pulpit, and persecuted, tortured, and burned alive anyone who dared think it should be translated into the common language to bless any who may read it.

    You’re defending the work of Satan.

  5. sigh… OK… Priests of the Church of Rome were allowed to marry, up until the 12th century, when – GASP! – il papa OVER-reacted, to those priests who COULDN’T KEEP IT IN THEIR PANTS (wotta surprise, right? 🙄 ).

    Moreover, read ITimothy 4 sometime, and realize the new Judaizers, are the same as the OLD Judaizers, and the chief promulgater of such policies, is rightly identified as sitting in the OFFICE of the anti-Christ.

    pg. 35ff – http://www.scholia.net/files/other/06%20Doctrine%20n%20Practice%20by%20Pieper%20tr.%20by%20Howes%20Essau.PDF

  6. @ Peter j parks. AMEN! Christ is not a bigamist. He has but one Bride. It’s tragically sad the JUDGMENT and PRIDE the splinters practice laying dead away from The Tree. Abusus non tollit usus. Are you perfect? I am an imperfect sinner attempting to serve my Master, Lord and Savior. My brain cannot comprehend how attacking any who practice worship as they seek The Truth benefits the soul of he who is so pride filled that he allows himself to sit in judgment of another! Bishop Sheen explained it clearly decades ago: it’s not that people hate The Church it’s that they hate what they perceive to be The Church. Free will?!?!? Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. It’s heartbreakingly sad. Of course the great deceiver is going to attempt to sow discord amongst believers, for non believers are already on his team. Our very method of communication is a result of the fall. Perhaps an analogy that may work for our anti Catholic brethren would be, we’re you a citizen of the USA for the 8 years of Obama? Fear is the opposite of faith. Humans ARE sinners! Iron sharpens iron. God Bless on this The Feast Day of The Presentation of The Lord! All things are possible with Him!

  7. Interesting how these Catholic pseudonyms or lurkers only show up when this topic comes up every several months or so. Hey, if you’re a regular, why not have the courage of your convictions and post under your regular handles?

  8. MildredLucille, or whoever you are,

    Two people can claim to follow Christ all they want, but God does not author confusion: if those people have two contradictory gospels that each counts on to get them into heaven, at least one of them is wrong and is on their way to hell. If you had the sense of a goat you would realize that fact and stop with the lying “separated brethren” propaganda.

    FACT: People with contradictory gospels are not brethren in Christ because at least one of them is trusting a lie to save them and is lost.

  9. Priests were not to marry so that they would not feel obligated to collect material possessions and could attend the flock without distraction. Also there is the vow of poverty.

    End result:
    Anything given to the church goes to the church upon death.
    Church does not have to pay priests enough to feed a family.
    Sexual victimizing of youth.

    Regardless, Pope Frank is a socialist who is obviously reading a different book than the rest of us.

    On a humorous note:

    Let them get married!
    Why should’t they be as miserable as the rest of us????

  10. “A better reform would be to admit Mary was a sinner just as much in need of het Son’s wrath-bearing death and resurrection as the rest of us.”

    She made the prescribed sacrifices at the temple for a reason, just like every other Israelite did.

    God’s chosen vessel to bear Messiah? A woman of faith? Yes.

    Immaculately conceived? Without sin? No.

  11. Dope Francis is to Catholicism what obama was to America: a treasonous cancer, with an evil agenda.

    Perhaps married priests would be a good idea. But coming from The Dope, you know there is a sinister purpose.


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