Mexico’s President Suggests Raffling Off the Presidential Plane; Much Hilarity Ensues – IOTW Report

Mexico’s President Suggests Raffling Off the Presidential Plane; Much Hilarity Ensues


Murders in Mexico are at an all-time high, but Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has far more important things to do.

Lopez Obrador has been railing against the corrupt political class in Mexico for many years. So, is he proposing new rules governing public officials? Has he stepped up enforcement of official wrongdoing? How about taking some of those corrupt local police chiefs off the job and throwing them in jail?

Nope. Lopez Obrador is a fanatical leftist. And when it comes to major issues like the murder rate or political corruption, he sees only one solution.


The problems in Mexico are nothing that a good slogan or powerful symbol can’t cure. To deal with the skyrocketing murder rate, he invented the “Hugs not Bullets” policy to play nice with the cartels who are mowing down his citizens. It may be making the problem worse, but at least it shows “he cares.”

As for corruption, it’s just too damn hard to develop policies that will create jobs and raise up the middle class. Rather than deal with corruption, he will raffle off the $218 million presidential plane — just to show “he cares.” read more

7 Comments on Mexico’s President Suggests Raffling Off the Presidential Plane; Much Hilarity Ensues

  1. Mexico is the most corrupt country on earth. Also the most violent. The cartels no longer just sell drugs, they’re stealing oil from pipelines, extorting avocado farmers for 100s of millions, kidnapping, human trafficking, widespread protection rackets, using government data bases to extort millions from other crop producers and securing large portions of the country for their clandestine cultivation and processing.

    Bribery is so entwined with the government that realistically there’s nothing that is going to uproot them. Didn’t some drug kingpin confess to having paid the previous Mexican president a $100M?

    10s of 1,000s of people are murdered every year there, many in the most horrible ways. These cartels also operate in every city in this country. Is it any wonder that Phoenix has the highest kidnapping rate in our country?

    Every day they get bolder. Would it surprise you to learn they have a multi million dollar bounty on Trump? Not me.

    There’s only one way to deal with them and what it’d take for that to happen, God only knows. Unless and until we muster the fortitude to go Roman on them, their terror will continue to grow.

  2. You have to wonder when the military will have had enough and commit a fairly bloody coup followed by a country wide amy attack on the cartels that would be a blood letting of epic proportions. At this point a military government for a few decades will likely look good to the population.

  3. When faggot satanists rule that is the society that is left. These hideous niggers brain fragmented me. In one of their episodes of down’s syndrome they tried to marry a twenty six year old abstinent heterosexual off to an eighty year old.

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