Hawaii: Gun Owners Face Tidal Wave Of Anti-2A Bills – IOTW Report

Hawaii: Gun Owners Face Tidal Wave Of Anti-2A Bills

When the Dems started pushing legalized weed laws, I figured they would use it to take legal guns away from pot enthusiasts. They tried that, and are back for more, in Hawaii.

Bearing Arms: As bad as things are in Virginia, where I live, gun owners in Hawaii have it even worse than we do this legislative season. Part of that is because the gun laws in Hawaii are already atrocious. The right to bear arms is non-existent, with “may issue” licenses required to carry either openly or concealed, and the right to keep arms is curtailed as well, with every gun owner required to register their firearms with the police. In recent years we’ve seen the Honolulu police department use that list to try to seize guns from the state’s medical marijuana users, before backing down after an outcry and a lot of unwanted media attention.

Gun owners on the islands are now having to deal with dozens of new gun control bills introduced this session, and even the local public radio station seems somewhat sympathetic to their cause (at least as far as public radio goes). MORE

21 Comments on Hawaii: Gun Owners Face Tidal Wave Of Anti-2A Bills

  1. Dems have no issue legalizing and legitimizing substance use if it keeps the populace cowed and ignorant. They do this as a “freedom” issue. However, take a true freedom issue such as the 2and, and they show their true colors. They both have the same end, though. Keeping us dumb and defenseless.

  2. One good thing about Hawaii, is that people can (be made to) “disappear” more easily.
    A little boat, a little chop-chop, a little going out into deep water, a little chumming over the side, rinse off the boat, return to home port, and “where did Joe go? I ain’t seen him since he tried to break into that house last week.”
    And no gun needed. Just a machete, and a mindset willing to defend itself by inflicting bodily harm on others.
    ANd if you “happen” to lose your machete overboard, well, they’re cheap and easily available and replaceable.

    Always remember to practice as many of The Four Esses as possible, boys and girls:
    Shovel (more than one use for a shovel, chop-chop)
    Shut Up

  3. Oh, crap! That’s what I get for not listening! I usually have Rush in the background, while I do other things here and there around the repair office. I must have been “there” when he announced.
    GOd bless and heal you, Mr Limbaugh.

  4. Grew up for two years in Honolulu. Dad was flying with the Pacific Fleet.

    Memories are of the bullet-ridden PX near the harbor (and other buildings). We were one (and scared).

    But that kept us close. Now, the neighborhood (once cinder block single-story, flat roofed military housing) is flanked and replaced by mansions.

    When my Mother was in an iron lung at Tripler, was when the “feel” of polio eating on my right leg presented, after swimming in a pool (likely, no use of chlorine). The feeling of growing numbness I cannot explain unless you have actually contracted this disease. I survived it (until 40 years later).

    This was before Hawaii was a state. I saw the spent, 50-mm shells on the beaches (which was illegal to pick up or touch).

    And, now, what the offspring of some of our people have in their minds are something that Americans now face:

    That these wayward children are spitting in our face, who have not experienced desperate survival and the glorious long-term result of sacrifice.

  5. Bob M,
    Do they have to be virgins? Hope not. Would Pele be upset if they’re not? I hope to sacrifice many DildoCrats for the good of the country. And I’m not even in Hawaii.


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