Judge Jeanine: Thank you Democrats for guaranteeing Trump’s reelection – IOTW Report

Judge Jeanine: Thank you Democrats for guaranteeing Trump’s reelection

Democrats’ nonstop hate, hypocrisy and hysteria has exhausted and angered the American people.

9 Comments on Judge Jeanine: Thank you Democrats for guaranteeing Trump’s reelection

  1. I was just thinking that it would be gracious of Republicans to send thank you cards to Pelosi and Schiff after Trump is reelected thanking them for their help in his reelection.

    Maybe one of the greeting card companies could be talked into issuing a special thank you card for the occasion?

  2. joe6pak – I’d rather send them pink slips and tell ’em “yer fired!”
    There isn’t a democRAT, local, state or fed, that is going to get my vote!
    We’ve seen waaaay to many examples of the absolute abuse of power and total distain for Americans and the American way on the part of these Hate Merchants for them to retain power at any level. They started this war. Let’s finish it. Voting ’em out!!

  3. TRF,
    I’m voting for Bernie in the NH Primary on the 11th only because I’ve been reading how the DNC is starting to panic that Sanders will be the nominee, and I want to add my little push toward the eventual Dem Party Civil War.

  4. Yeah Peter, old Bernie give ’em a warm-runny feeling cuz he espouses what they really believe in, but they’re waaaay to scared to actually say it! They know it’s suicide.
    Let the bastards cut their own throats…
    and if someone helps ’em do it so much the better.

  5. Judge Jeanine is leaving out one very significant player in the 2020 race – Bloomberg.

    In a thought provoking interview with Maria Bartiromo, Steve Bannon calls Bloomberg what he is – an oligarch – and what his real objective is. I can’t say that what Bannon hypothesizes is accurate, but the main point for me is that, WE THE PEOPLE need to understand what an oligarchy is, and that our country has become an oligarchy disguised as a representative republic.


  6. @stirring

    Not worried about Blooms…if he tries to buy the nomination and screws Bernie…the bernie nuts will go insane and either stay home, or vote for Trump. They did the same thing in 2016…they will do it again.


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