Clairvoyant 2020 Dem Candidates All Claim They Have Won Iowa – IOTW Report

Clairvoyant 2020 Dem Candidates All Claim They Have Won Iowa

Pete Buttigieg Claims Victory Without Results: Iowa ‘Shocked the Nation’.

Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg claimed dramatic momentum for his campaign on Monday, despite zero caucus results reporting from the Iowa Democrat caucuses.

“Tonight, an improbable hope became an undeniable reality,” Pete Buttigieg said after taking the stage at his campaign rally in Des Moines.
The former South Bend mayor spoke just before midnight after all of the other top Democrat candidates had already delivered their speeches.
Supporters shouted “Boot-Edge-Edge” as the former mayor delivered what appeared to be a pre-written speech praising Iowa’s role in the Democrat nomination process, despite the party badly botching the caucus results reporting system.

“We don’t know all the results, but we know by the time it’s all said and done, Iowa, you have shocked the nation,” he said. “By all indications, we are going onto New Hampshire victorious.”

Bernie Sanders Supporters Taste Victory in Iowa Despite Caucus Results Chaos.

DES MOINES, Iowa — Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) savored what many felt was a victory for their candidate in the Iowa caucuses — even though the state Democratic Party failed to report results.

“In most precincts, it seems, Bernie finished number one or number two,” said Charla Norris of Des Moines.

Her anecdotal report was confirmed by other Sanders volunteers and supporters at the campaign’s victory party at the Holiday Inn near the airport, packing the ballroom so full that the campaign began restricting access.

The state Democratic Party failed to report results as expected, thanks to what appeared to be a technical breakdown. Though most votes were tallies at precincts by a simple show of hands, officials struggled to relay that information to the state party.

In the hallways of the hotel, volunteers and supporters were upbeat; one was heard cheerfully humming “Solidarity Forever,” the classes trade union song.

And from Biden’s camp manager:

Greg Schultz ✔@schultzohio:

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Participation trophies for all!

9 Comments on Clairvoyant 2020 Dem Candidates All Claim They Have Won Iowa

  1. Well?
    Who can say they’re wrong?
    A lying party with a lying agenda built on a pseudo-philosophical foundation of lies is lying about the non-results of some non-existent lying results?

    Anybody surprised?

    Liars lie.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. **The Keystone Kaukus Kommunists of 2020**
    Nobody wins… participation trophies for everyone!
    Nobody wins… they all just can’t suck enough!
    Whut it all really comes down to is:
    Nobody wins… if Bernie wins!


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