Joe Manchin, swing-vote Dem, urges censure not removal – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin, swing-vote Dem, urges censure not removal

Self-serving Joe Manchin reads from a note that sounds like it was written by Mitt Romney. Prepare yourself for eye-rolling.

FOX: Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, speaking on the Senate floor about the impeachment efforts Monday, urged his colleagues to formally censure President Trump — saying that while the president’s dealings with both Ukraine and Congress were “simply wrong,” he is “struggling” over whether to vote to convict and remove him from office and potentially “tear the country apart.”

At the same time, Manchin also condemned the Republican-controlled Senate for failing to call additional witnesses in the impeachment trial, saying “history will judge the Senate harshly” for failing its constitutional duty to “protect our democracy.”

“Never before in the history of our republic has there been a purely partisan impeachment vote of a president,” said Manchin, who represents a deeply pro-Trump state. “Removing this president at this time would not only further divide our deeply divided nation, but also further poison our already toxic political atmosphere.”

He added: “I see no path to the 67 votes [requried to convict and remove] President Trump. However, I do believe a bipartisan majority of this body would vote to censure President Trump. … Censure would allow this body to unite across party lines.” more here

17 Comments on Joe Manchin, swing-vote Dem, urges censure not removal

  1. Isn’t his weasel retiring (before he gets retired by the electorate)? If so, who really gives a crap about what he says. He’s just trying to create some sort of legacy besides being known for a douche.

  2. It really pisses me off when Republican reps say ‘what Trump did was clearly wrong, but…’ What did he do wrong? What did he do that was worse than his predecessor? The one who told the Russian president ‘I will have more flexibility after the election’; who originated immigrants in cages; who the press actually united in a formal protest against because he illegally constricted their freedoms. What the hell is wrong with these so-called leaders?

  3. Screw that this is all to dirty Trump up when his approval is at his highest. He hasn’t done anything but is accused of exactly what Biden did. They just can’t stand the ACQUITTED next to his name in the history books.

  4. Censure for what? Winning? They tried that on Slick Willie after impeachment failed, and the censure failed too, even though Slick had committed actual crimes. Besides, Pelosi said Trump is impeached forevarrr. But whatever. Here’s a new shovel, Dems. Your old one is worn slap out.

  5. The worst, most backward, lying, thieving, do nothing bunch of cruds in our nations history are talking about censuring an accomplished, activist and highly successful President! Talk about the skunk calling the white knight stinky!

  6. Joe, Joe, Joe… push for censure and /or vote for conviction, you lose. Enjoy your last term as senator from WV, Stupid Joe.

    If he were still alive Five Dollar Frank would be having a field day at your expense, Stupid Joe.

    (“Five Dollar” Frank Thomas… look him up, a West Virginia legend)

  7. OK, Joe.

    Convince the House to start over – with “censure” as the goal.

    What a waffling weasel.
    “We got nuthin, so let’s do this! an try to placate the rabid nihilists and the ignorant masses of morons and imbeciles who vote for us. Look! Somethin shiny!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Been in politics over half his life (since 1982) and doesn’t know how to make an honest living. Spent fewer than 12 years (1970 to 1982) doing any kind of real work before taking up the mantle of parasite.
    He should know his constituency well having hogged at the public trough for 38 years.
    A real chameleon – do and say anything for political advantage.
    No discernible principles, whatsoever.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. No censure. The Democrats failed with their impeachment scam, and there is no reason to let them off the hook with a censure. The Dems have been looking for a reason to impeach for over three years, and have failed miserably.

    At this point, the donkeys are just trying to keep this thing going to smear Trump. They conducted a kangaroo court in the House, and still couldn’t come up with a solid case even though they cherry picked their own witnesses and denied Trump any rebuttal witnesses. They want to so the same thing in the Senate – let’s call Bolton, but stay away from the Bidens or the whistleblower or any Ukrainian officials who deny knowing about a quid pro quo. Trump is the one who should have wanted to call witnesses to hear his side of the story, but the donkeys had nothing so it was time to end this farce.

    This impeachment trial is a preview of the Democrat election strategy; smear Trump and deflect attention away from the Democrat candidates. Biden is dirty enough that not even a friendly media can protect him (although we should probably thank the Donkeys for exposing Biden’s Ukrainian interference), and this leaves the overtly anti-American crowd like Sanders and Warren. Manchin is calling for censure to “heal” the political divide and promote bipartisanship, but this is nothing more than an admission that the Democrats are sinking and need to salvage something.

  10. CENSURE !

    For WHAT ?

    Every smellocrat who has pursued this
    unconstitutional charade of false accusation
    false testimony and contrived culpability

    Every single one of them should be subject to censure

    at MINIMUM

    There were crimes and blantant
    dishonesty to establish a fictitious
    case for impeachment regardless
    no constitutional prerequisite was
    ever established.

    And those crimes and lies and
    dishonorable conduct lie at the feet of
    the smellocratic accusers and managers
    and any idiot who votes with them.


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