10 Embarrassing Obama Gaffes the Left Needs to Be Reminded of After Trump’s Kansas Gaffe – IOTW Report

10 Embarrassing Obama Gaffes the Left Needs to Be Reminded of After Trump’s Kansas Gaffe


Perhaps one of the pettiest aspects of politics is the way political opponents pounce on gaffes. Most gaffes, while they make for good humor, are typically not consequential blunders that mean anything beyond an innocent verbal flub or a harmless typo. When President Trump made his infamous “covfefe” tweet four months into his presidency, many people couldn’t let it go, and the coverage a simple typo received was undeniably excessive.

On Sunday night, in a congratulatory tweet to the Kansas City Chiefs on winning the Super Bowl, Trump mistakenly referred to them as hailing from the state of Kansas. This literally prompted Senator Claire McCaskill to refer to him as a “stone cold idiot.”

Of course, when politicians seek to capitalize on innocuous gaffes such as this, it prompts me to have to point out that Trump didn’t invent the presidential gaffe. Most of the time we should be able to just laugh at these gaffes, recognize them as inconsequential, and move on, and not use them to accuse the president of being a “stone cold idiot.”

But hey, if Trump is a “stone cold idiot” then so is his predecessor, Barack Obama. Below, I give you ten gaffes I’ve picked out as examples of embarrassing flubs that maybe should give people like McCaskill pause before exploiting Trump gaffes for a political attack.

10. Obama’s embassy gaffe

When Iran protestors attacked the British Embassy in Tehran, Obama condemned the attack, but in doing so, referred to it as the “English Embassy”—apparently unaware that England is part of Great Britain, along with Scotland and Wales.

9. Obama doesn’t know what committee he’s on

While speaking in Israel during his first presidential campaign, Obama claimed to be on a committee that he was not on. “Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee — which is my committee — a bill to call for divestment from Iran as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon.”

8. Obama gets his own daughter’s age wrong

In June 2011, while talking about his daughters, Obama said, “Malia And Sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time. Malia’s 13, Sasha’s 10. It is impressive.” What’s not so impressive is that Malia was only 12 years old at the time. Is it really possible that any parent could get their own child’s age wrong? Imagine if Trump got his kids’ ages wrong.

7. Obama says Hawaii is part of “Asia”

During a 2011 press conference in Hawaii, Obama mistakenly referred to Hawaii, his birth state, as part of Asia. “When I meet with world leaders, what’s striking — whether it’s in Europe or here in Asia…” Obama was in the middle of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit at the time, but still. I’m sure we all know how the media would react if Trump made that mistake.

6. Obama gets the name of a town he visited wrong after a disaster


25 Comments on 10 Embarrassing Obama Gaffes the Left Needs to Be Reminded of After Trump’s Kansas Gaffe

  1. A gaffe is an honest mistake, a slip.

    Now explain how Liawhatha should be excused on her total lie about her background. Or how she USED that lie for financial gain for her entire career!

    And if we really want to descend into an endless amount of stupid, let’s do Joe Biden!

  2. Yup, I’m a SCoaMF

    So what, the media will never report on it and if the media doesn’t report it then Democrat voters will never believe it anyway.

  3. The President uses misspellings and words that don’t belong in a sentence to send messages to close associates. Watch for something to happen in Kansas. He has been doing this since he was elected. The tweets carry more information than most people realize. He is one cool President.

  4. What about when he said his uncle helped liberate Auschwitz … when no American was within 600 miles of Auschwitz when it was “liberated”

    In actuality it was overrun by.the Red Army months after the Jewish inmates were forced to do a death march away from it. But of course the proggscum have no problem giving that great humanitarian Joe Stalin credit for “liberation”

  5. And here is a gaffe that no one is aware of because not too many Americans were once Arabic language specialists

    When he gave his “reacharound” speech to Muslims at Al Azhar University in Egypt, he actually fucked up the very name of the place where he was speaking and called it “OOL Ooza”

    “AL Ooza” is the name of the Pre-Islamic goddess of fertility. So not only did he royally f-ck the name of the place, he also became the first person in 2000 years to fuck up the Arabic definite article, “Al”

  6. WHOA WHOA WHOA….head back from the rutabaga……There is a big chunk of Kansas City that is in Kansas, The State of KANSAS. I believe that Kansas City was established on the Kansas side of the missouri river and then bled east into Missouri….So, Claire you ARE the stone cold idiot….

  7. Just give KC to Kansas.
    And St. Louis to Illinois.
    MO will be better off and the “gaffe” won’t matter.

    (and there is a KC, Kansas, by the way – other side of an imaginary line)

    izlamo delenda est …


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