Report: Trove of Docs Regarding 2016 Meetings Between Obama Admin and Ukraine Under Review for GOP Senators – IOTW Report

Report: Trove of Docs Regarding 2016 Meetings Between Obama Admin and Ukraine Under Review for GOP Senators

Dan Bongino:

Republican senators will most likely receive thousands of documents relating to 2016 White House meetings between the Obama Administration and Ukraine, according to journalist Sara Carter.

In November, Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA)  sent a letter to the National Archives asking for “records of multiple White House meetings that took place in 2016 between and among Obama Administration officials, Ukrainian government representatives, and Democratic National Committee officials.”

The letter also stated, “The White House meeting records also show Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian American operative ‘who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee’ during the 2016 election, attended numerous meetings at the White House, including one event with President Obama.” more here

8 Comments on Report: Trove of Docs Regarding 2016 Meetings Between Obama Admin and Ukraine Under Review for GOP Senators

  1. like we’ve all been saying for the last thirty years—let us know when any of them go to jail.

    i won’t hold my breath.

    Here’s what i know.

    1 mccabe was identified as having committed a crime over a year ago. the same crime they nailed flynn for.

    durham has been investigating forever and will release the results during election season.

    just one of those two things would make me suspicious. But you put the two of them together, and what i know for a fact is that nothing at all is going to happen to any of them and all these ‘so called’ republican that are investigating them really want is some talking points for the election.

    The USA can suck my dk.

  2. “…most likely receive thousands of documents…”

    Bit of a letdown from the headline. But if by some chance they actually get the docs, can they make sure not to leave them on a laptop in their car?


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