Canadian Minister U-Turns On Compulsory Media Licensing After Massive Backlash – IOTW Report

Canadian Minister U-Turns On Compulsory Media Licensing After Massive Backlash

Breitbart: Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault has done a 180-degree turn on comments suggesting media organisations would be forced to have government licences after a huge backlash.

Minister Guilbeault clarified his and the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’ s stance on the matter, saying that the government had no intention to force media companies to require licenses to operate in Canada, CTV reports.

After stating that the Liberal minority government “has no intention to impose licensing requirements on news organizations, nor would we try to regulate news content,” Guilbeault went on to add the government would not decide on what would be considered a news organisation either. read more

6 Comments on Canadian Minister U-Turns On Compulsory Media Licensing After Massive Backlash

  1. Why is it that I believe Guilbeault is lying and simply saying what needs to be said to take the heat off so that in a little while he and his gang can go ahead anyway?

    Why is that? Oh, yeah, it’s because that’s the way govt has done things so many times in the past.

  2. ADifferent Tim February 4, 2020 at 10:32 pm

    > Thought for awhile there we were going to have to replace the iconic Canadian Ay with Da!

    Don’t worry, @Different Tim! If the Canadians, like the Americans, were willing to replace… well… anything, the couches would be empty… while the lampposts were full… to celebrate your father’s birth. Have no fear! Your grandchildren will be the duly recognized legal property of this same regime.


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