Watch Childish Brat Nancy Pelosi Rip up her copy of Trump’s State of the Union Speech – IOTW Report

Watch Childish Brat Nancy Pelosi Rip up her copy of Trump’s State of the Union Speech

Breitbart: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ripped apart a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address as it concluded before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening in Washington, D.C.

As Trump completed his speech, Pelosi stood up, held the papers up in full view of Congress and the nation, and tore each page in half.

She began tearing the papers as Trump finished saying, “God bless America.”

In so doing, Pelosi tore apart a text honoring American military forces –including Tuskegee Airman Gen. Charles McGee, a 100-year-old veteran of the pioneering African-American fighter pilots

The text also honored victims of terrorism and included an emotional reunion of a military family, among other Americans mentioned in the address. 

Trump opted against shaking Pelosi’s hand when the Democrat leader offered it to him as he turned toward the podium. WATCH

Here’s a rundown of the assholetry the Dems provided during the speech.

53 Comments on Watch Childish Brat Nancy Pelosi Rip up her copy of Trump’s State of the Union Speech

  1. That cucking funt Smellosi ripped up President Trump’s speech less than 30 seconds after he finished it. That is a treasonous act & she should be removed from the House & jailed!!!!

  2. Trump delivered a great SOTU speech! The highlight was seeing the miserable piece of shit, SanFranNan tear up her copy of a really good speech. What a worthless cunt she is!! The entire lib side of the aisle showed how little class they have!

  3. The American people tonight got to see what President Trump’s had to deal with. I feel she actually contributed to his reelection. And the way she did it put the MSM in a position where they will be considered fool’s not to cover it. Winning!

  4. I remember a republican yelling “you lie!” At Obama and it was the worst thing in the world. Could you imagine the screeching if any republican behaved like Nancy during Obama’s presidency. She knows her voters will eat this up

  5. Pelosi’s just a racist who was pissed Trump recognized one of the last surviving Tuskegee airmen, a young black girl who got a scholarship and can escape a gubmint school, Tim Scott, and
    another black gentleman recognized by Trump for an accomplishment whose name escapes me now. The party of the KKK strikes again.

  6. All of the dems insanity to enjoy over the SOTU speech and then I sit back and remember that they have a 35 year old faggot as their leading candidate for president….against President Donald J Trump……HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!….

  7. What we saw was how far the Dem have devolved. I don’t care if they hate The President of The United States the should at least have the decorum to respect the office. They just showed us the citizen of this country how petty and narrow minded they are. In the process they also showed how much they respect their elected Office,the people,veterans,law enforcement and the Constitution of the United States, witch they took an oath to protect an defend. I took the same oath when I went in the Air Force and my father took the same oath when he enlisted the Navy in WW II. He took it again when he was Commissioned and upheld it while he served 26 years. Those asshole didn’t have to face the things that military and their families go through. They collect their big pay checks and fill their pockets at our expense and betray the trust the people who voted for them. Yet they keep doing the same things over and over. They lie to get re-elected and keep screwing the people they are supposed to represent. Basically they are professional con men.

  8. …and with that act of defiance and tyranny, Nasty Nance has turned the House even more red. The Demoncrats are going to be swept away by a red tsunami this November.

  9. I couldn’t stand to see that sour face of Pelosi’s behind our President, ruining my view of him speaking so I strategically draped a napkin over her face on the screen while I watched.

  10. a couple of hours before the SOTU speech I watched Martha MacCallum interviewing some really annoying blonde-haired woman, who seemed to be a representative from somewhere, discussing things the government should be working on, but isn’t because the dems are only pushing impeachment.

    Then finally she highlighted her partisanship attitude. She said you can’t govern the country by being a bully on twitter.

    It was pretty clear annoying-blonde-haired-woman was referring to PDJT. She was finally identified as Debbie Dingell (Dimwit – Mi). Who was putting all the blame on PDJT for stalled bills that ought to easily receive bipartisan support.

    Thankfully later, at the end of the SOTU speech, Pelosi clearly demonstrated what D. Dingell (Dimwit – Mi) refuses to acknowledge.

    The demonrats are bullies too, there are more of them, and PDJT is allowed to fight back. No rule says he can’t play their game too. He doesn’t have to remain polite and just take it – as others have done before him. Pelosi showed she has the maturity of spoiled brat child. Unbecoming of the Speaker of the House.

  11. Hollywierd saw the drunken old bint’s tearing up of her copy of the speech as an act of rebellion. We the people saw it as a childish tantrum by a desperately outclassed communist whore.

  12. She’s called him a Russian agent for three years and is voting to remove him from office today.

    Wolf Blitzer kept replaying him not shaking her hand as he took the podium. I wouldn’t have been able to look her in the face without telling her to GFY.

    If it’s any consolation, she’ll be dead before he leaves office.

  13. …and was it my imagination, or did BOTH of her pupils look completely blown? I could tell what color Pence’s eyes were but I couldn’t see ANY of HER iris from the pupil dilation, and they were at the same level.

    If I came across someone with mydriasis like this at car accident, I’d suspect either serious brain injury, serious drug abuse, or both.

    …in HER case, however, it might just be that satan is looking through them, and they’re so bleared from age and jaundiced from alcohol abuse that he NEEDS to open them WAY up to see anything.

    …although, to be fair, I think I’d suspect either serious brain injury, serious drug abuse, or both in ANY Democrat to explain their behavior, although satan works there, too…

  14. …this is actually a tradition she started when she tore up a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum at one of her numerous 15th century witch trials.

    …she looks old, true, but she’s a LOT older than she looks.

    …she was in Heaven when her master first rebelled against God, if that tells you anything…


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