Kayaker Rescued After 12 Days Lost in Florida Everglades – IOTW Report

Kayaker Rescued After 12 Days Lost in Florida Everglades

Breitbart: A missing man was rescued Monday after his cellphone data led officials to his location in the Florida Everglades.

Mark Miele, 67. embarked on a solo kayaking trip in Everglades National Park on January 22, and was due back January 29, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

However, when he did not return on the planned date and was reported missing, officials began to search for him.

“On Feb. 2, deputies found Miele’s bag containing his cellphone and his wallet, which had washed up on the shore of the Lopez River. Authorities were able to download data from the phone and get Miele’s most recent coordinates logged on Jan. 31,” WTSP reported.

The Collier County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) then began an aerial search for Miele and saw him floating face up in the water, wearing a yellow life vest.

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SNIP: ‘A Solo ____trip’. That’s how a lot of rescue stories start.

12 Comments on Kayaker Rescued After 12 Days Lost in Florida Everglades

  1. Different Tim-The waters in the Everglades are very cold this time of year, and most gators avoid salt water/brackish like Lopez River, very lethargic as they are reptiles,
    Bob M.-Probably from up north where they are experts in cold water sports stupidity.
    I lived in Everglades City w/a marina and canoe/kayak/boat rentals until 2017, and it was always amazing to all of us that would watch the winter “guests” from up north go out on the coldest days with winds howling at 20-30 mph out onto the bay there with a north wind and the tide going out and them with their cell phone as the only source of communicating or gps, never listening to us locals trying to warn them they needed a good gps or marine band radio, as cell service ended about 3 miles south of there and it was very easy to get lost without local guides or very good maps and compass/gps location devices. But oh no, they were much smarter than us dumbasses that fished the Glades and surrounding Islands all year. We used to just shake our heads and tell to enjoy themselves and make sure someone was listed to call when they didn’t show up when they were supposed to. The guys working the marina charged $150-$300 dollars to go out and rescue the idiots when their families started calling after dark wondering where they were, after dark and the weather getting down in the mid 40’s and N winds still blowing. Several deaths occurred while I lived there due to old, stupid fucks that by God canoed Lake Michigan and knew how to handle the island currents. Famous last words spoken several times to more of us that care to remember. It never surprised any of us when people never showed up when their rental time ended. Coast guard and Fla Game and Fish had to be called, and questions we couldn’t answer always made their jobs that much more difficult. This asshole was lucky he was found, the weather there this time of year is brutal with n n/w winds blowing and cold water.


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