Trump declares “VICTORY on the Impeachment Hoax!” – IOTW Report

Trump declares “VICTORY on the Impeachment Hoax!”

It’s official. The Score is

Article 1: 52-48
Article 2: 53-47

I will be making a public statement tomorrow at 12:00pm from the @WhiteHouse to discuss our Country’s VICTORY on the Impeachment Hoax!101K5:07 PM – Feb 5, 2020

Some Twittidots are upset because Trump didn’t apologize like BJ Clinton did after his impeachment. LOL. They are just so emotionally damaged, aren’t they? Like little fragile pieces of stupid.
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25 Comments on Trump declares “VICTORY on the Impeachment Hoax!”

  1. Trumps gotta take the time to point out it’s the Executive Branches responsibility to make sure we are not giving money away to corrupt regimes. Which is what they we’re doing. And therefore crying Romney is full of shit. Along with the entire DNC. When it boils right down to it, they are trying to unseat a duly elected President and circumvent the will of the voter.

  2. …I hope he:
    1) Ceremonally tears the impeachment articles up in Nancy’s face.

    2) orders the IMMEDIATE arrest and execution of all leading Democrats.

    3) reports successful drone strikes the entire Soros family.

    4) authorizes no license, no bag limit hunting of all local Democrat politicians, with a 12 month season and NO weapons restrictions.

    ….I can dream, can’t I?

  3. Good, but our long national nightmare is just beginning to go into its darkest phase. They won’t be hiding anything about who they are now, it’s time they avenge themselves on us.

  4. I’ve been worried for the last 4 months that the democraps would pull something out of their collective ass at the last minute. But, a big nothing!

    Now for Trump, and us, it is full speed ahead. Finish the wall, finish off the terrorist, Iranian, and Palestine leaders. Protect the 2A. Dow will break 30K soon. America is still the greatest!

  5. @Grool

    One more impressive shove and there is a good chance the liberals, led by Professsional Marxists, will start their revolt. That hearty shove will be DJT triumphant in November 2020. The dem party will then be down and out in Beverly Hills.

  6. A VERY expensive “hoax” paid for by we yhe taxpayers. I would like to make the Demonrats repay every penny of it out of their own bank accounts! They couldn’t care less about the damage, financial and otherwise, they inflict on this country. It’s only about their own obsession with power and money for themselves and President Trump is in their way.

  7. @Lowell and
    Also love the ‘little fragile pieces of stupid’ AND the Muttley avatar! Bigly.

    Tuning in tomorrow at noon to hear what my president has to say. I bet Rush is too.


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