FNC’s Wallace Warns Romney: ‘This is War — Donald Trump Will Never Forgive You for This’ – IOTW Report

FNC’s Wallace Warns Romney: ‘This is War — Donald Trump Will Never Forgive You for This’

Speaking with the senator in an interview taped prior that aired on Fox news channel, Wallace said, “You realize this is war. Donald Trump will never forgive you for this.” WATCH

Why does Chris Wallace say that as if President Trump trusted Romney before this?

25 Comments on FNC’s Wallace Warns Romney: ‘This is War — Donald Trump Will Never Forgive You for This’

  1. As The Mule noted earlier:

    “Don’t assume this is just a mindless temper tantrum by Mitt. He, his son, and his dirty ex-CIA buddy at Burisma are just as guilty as the Bidens of foreign aid kickbacks and protection racket malfeasance. Romney is laying the groundwork for a narrative that when the DoJ starts nailing him later on, that it was “retaliation” for his bullshit vote here.“

    Chris Wallace is just giving Mitt a little help.

  2. There’s Chris Wallace trying to stir up shit. I think Wallace and Romney both need a whole pork belly tied by a cable to their backs and dropped off on the center of Kodak Island. I’d give them a gun, but with blanks, no bullets. The grizzlies on Kodak Island have learned that a gunshot usually means deer hunters and they do move toward the sound of the shot. I’ve heard they like pork bellies too.

  3. As they say, “follow the money.” It seems, from what I have been reading, that Romney or perhaps his associates might have a little explaining to do concerning the Ukraine (as Tony R alludes to).

  4. @Anon ~ Romney ain’t just ‘poison’ … he’s RAT poison

    from now on he should be considered radioactive & any repub that considers coming to his rescue, being best-buds or even extending the hand of friendship to this POS should understand that they too will become contaminated


  5. I know Mike Lee has been getting a lot of much-deserved heat but I just listened a second time to his Senate trial speech from today and his support of not just the Constitution, but also of POTUS Trump, was really one for the ages. His summation of every senator’s sworn duty to uphold, defend and protect the Constitution and its form of government couldn’t have been more clear or accurate, and yet there was Romney a little later on failing to honor his sworn oath. The only defense or reason for any of the senators of either party to vote POTUS “guilty” is and, by any rudimentary logic, must be based entirely on each one’s personal feelings toward the president. Romney and all others who voted to convict did not uphold their sworn oaths and should, themselves, be on trial for their own abuse of office and dereliction of official duty.

  6. Binders full of payback.

    Who does he think he was impressing with this futile act of self-immolation?

    I guess he thinks he can play spoiler in a narrow Senate. Fully fund the effort to recall this turncoat.

  7. Wallace does not understand Trump. This war is over. Mitt committed political suicide. He just couldn’t resist it. This battles over. Trumps got bigger shit to kill. Trump might do one victory lap around Romney but I’d be surprised if he even mentions his name after that. He don’t matter. Never did.

  8. I knew it. The Never-Trumpers are providing Romney with a narrative for when the Ukraine corruption investigations show Romney is part of it. Romney can claim it’s all “revenge” by PDJT. These people are such snakes. Trump couldn’t give a shit less about Romney now.

  9. Mitt-the-Sh!t needs a wedgie in his Magic Underwear.

    Trump has no sh!ts to give Mitt. Mitt’s plan is to switch parties and run for Prexy in 2024.

    Good luck, you Mormon moron.

  10. I figure Romney knew exactly what he was doing by Biblically “splitting the baby”. He voted up on one count and down on the other so in his mind he wouldn’t appear to be a total traitor. Didn’t work.

  11. joe6pak, I do agree Wallace is stirring up shit, but I get the feeling you haven’t heard the screams of Amie Huguenard found on a recording at the Katmai camp where she was actually eaten by a bear?

    Why are we wishing this sort of thing on Romney? Last I looked, the Republican Party isn’t the party of nasty threats for voting the wrong way, and that we in this nation still have freedom of thought and speech. Punishing people for unright speak is the Democrat specialty, via Kodiak bears or otherwise. It’s reprehensible what he did, and I think Bad_Brad is right in that he did it all to himself. Politically he may be over, not because he is being punished, but he blew the trust his colleagues, constituents and the rest of America had for him (what wasn’t already worn away, that is). Neither Trump nor we need to feed this revenge fantasy BS; the American people will show him in just a few months how wrong he was. Neither he nor the big kids on the playground he works so hard to impress will be able to keep from soiling themselves further.

  12. Chrissy is part of the DC elite, PDJT has been pissing on his rose garden and he will do anything to undermine Trumpus Maximus.

    Chrissy is just another pale, weak, simpering moron who is losing his mind and snapping at the world in flailing frustration.

    That seems to be catching on in DC. I love the smell of Trumpalm in the morning, smells like victory.

  13. President Trump has a bit of dog shit on his shoe.
    Better to wipe it off than to declare war on it.

    I hope President Trump maintains his equilibrium and doesn’t sweat the small stuff.
    Romney’s a pecker gnat. An irritant. Not a “noble worthwhile opponent.”
    Romney has proven that either he has NO character or that his character is flawed (and that he hasn’t been following the whole shitshow – 18 “witnesses” (who witnessed nothing) and some 20,000 pages of documents). Pray for him.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. President Trump baits arrogant fools, then waits until they self destruct. Romney is just one of many and Wallace is not intelligent enough to see the genius of our President.


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