Biden Admits Iowa Was “Gut Punch,” Attacks ‘winners’ – IOTW Report

Biden Admits Iowa Was “Gut Punch,” Attacks ‘winners’

WFB: Presidential candidate Joe Biden on Wednesday said his campaign took a hit in the Iowa caucus, but he also fired shots at the apparent winners.

“I’m not going to sugarcoat it, we took a gut punch in Iowa,” Biden said during a campaign event in Somersworth, N.H. “The whole process took a gut punch.”

The former vice president underperformed in Iowa behind former mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.

But in New Hampshire, Biden took the opportunity to criticize Sanders for identifying as a socialist and Buttigieg for never holding an office higher than mayor of South Bend, Ind.

“Every Democrat will have to carry the label Senator Sanders has chosen for himself, and I don’t criticize him, he calls himself a democratic socialist,” Biden said. read more

15 Comments on Biden Admits Iowa Was “Gut Punch,” Attacks ‘winners’

  1. Jackass Joe underperforms in everything except stealing the Over-Taxed Payer’s money in corrupt money laundering schemes!
    Let’s face it Joe:
    Yer not Black,
    Yer not an Indian,
    Yer not Gay (but you are a perv)
    and yer damn sure not a Clinton!
    Yer just a inept Jerk from Scranton and a life-long Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite!

  2. Was that gut punch more or less what he promised to give several townhall participants who asked him what the media should have a year ago?

    Another artificial media created candidate drives full speed into the brick wall of reality.

    If my observations of Biden are correct, he’ll emerge ftom the wreckage with his white crash helmet and chinstrap nonethewiser.

  3. biden isn’t meant to win
    he’s hillary’s place holder
    his only job is to keep bernie from winning

    watch hillary throw ole joe under her scooby doo van at the convention when her super delegates install her as the nominee again

    I am still looking for video of hillary walking without help during the last year and huma, where’s huma been?

  4. I guess a life of groping, plagerizing, and extorting is having a negative impact?

    You better start swinging haymakers gramps, or they’ll bury you before you’re dead

  5. “Every Democrat will have to carry the label Senator Sanders has chosen for himself, and I don’t criticize him, he calls himself a democratic socialist,” Biden said.
    “Every democrat will carry the label ‘cocksucker’ (in addition to murderer of innocent infants), if he/she/zhe is willing to get behind an unaccomplished, sanctimonious fornicator.”

  6. Poor Joey.
    Coulda just retired to his pool, sucking face with his grand-daughter, and drinking those drinks with little umbrellas in them.
    Barry told him: “Joey, you don’t have to do this.” But the vista of future fields of graft and corruption, unencumbered by ANYTHING, looked too inviting.

    So the champion of corruption, the Duke of Deceit, Quid Pro Joe swung into action bringing attention to his own criminalities and showering reflections on Obola.


    “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Tim February 6, 2020 at 10:16 am

    > Barry told him: “Joey, you don’t have to do this.” But the vista of future fields of graft and corruption, unencumbered by ANYTHING, looked too inviting.

    Well, you gotta admit… seeing The White House… from the inside… with “Barry’s” wymyn running “things”… saying “How hard could it be?” ain’t unreasonable.

  8. Slow Joe was the useful idiot to help the dems take down Trump. Now that the latest attempt has failed he is no longer useful. Expect him to be dropped like a hot potato and disappear altogether very soon (either he drops out voluntarily or he is helped into an early retirement/”suicide”).

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