Sparkle Roby, Michigan Anti-Violence Activist Convicted on Multiple Gun Charges – IOTW Report

Sparkle Roby, Michigan Anti-Violence Activist Convicted on Multiple Gun Charges

With a name like Sparkle, you’d think she’d be bright.

Truth About Guns: Why are gun-hating anti-violence activists so violent in their personal lives? Ask Sparkle Roby who organized an anti-violence march in Saginaw, Michigan. Weeks later, cops arrested her for threatening a woman with an illegally possessed gun.

Now, she’s pleaded guilty to a slew of…gun charges.

Our virtuous anti-violence activist had a dispute of some sort at a Saginaw beauty salon.  Apparently dissatisfied with the service she received, Roby returned with a gun intent on taking care of business.

Fortunately for all parties involved, the employee who angered our dedicated anti-violence crusader had become scarce.

As mlive reported when the incident happened . . .

…Prosecutors say Roby on July 22 had an altercation with an employee at Unique Styles Beauty Salon in Saginaw and said she’d come back with a gun. She left the business, then returned with a pistol and waved it around, yelling for the employee, prosecutors allege.

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

24 Comments on Sparkle Roby, Michigan Anti-Violence Activist Convicted on Multiple Gun Charges

  1. Saginaw is just north of Flint. I accidentally got off the wrong exit once returning from a trip up north and ended up there. Turned around immediately and got the heck out of there. A GEO Metro will squawk the tires in second gear if you keep the gas pedal all the way down while grabbing gears. Didn’t like the way all the brothers were looking at me.

  2. Different subject. Anybody else having trouble commenting? Won’t post for me until I click off and giving no edit option. (This time let me edit but wouldn’t previously)

  3. Two days ago I was having a conversation with an atheist I work with. He was trying to form words around the idea that Trump-supporting Christians are hypocrites for saying he was God’s chosen. I told him no one I personally know believes that, though there are many who do. Then I went on to point out that the main sense of hypocrisy in the Bible is the applying of standards to others that one should but will not apply to himself, as the Pharisees did…so I finished by adding that his judging Christians by a standard [the Bible] which he himself rejects, makes him the hypocrite.

    This woman is an excellent example of a biblical hypocrite.

  4. It’s the New and Improved Second Amendment. Only Government and Criminals, but I repeat myself, have the right to bear arms.

    I wonder how this will turn out?

    If I killed everyone who ever gave me a bad haircut…death toll in the hundreds. Floyd he barber from Andy of Mayberry impaled on a pike outside of town.

    Sick of you ni…….

    Fooking join the 21st century. Your sick butthurt world is over.

  5. “Corn Pop was a bad dude, so I convinced him to name his illegitimate daughter Sparkle. That’s where he started to turn his life around. I do understand how to work with the black folk.”

  6. @grool. Thanks for your effort but discussing logic with a hard headed ideologue is a useless and hopeless exercise.

    Agree with her that her supreme intellect cannot be questioned, her master plan is so brilliant and her ability to articulate her unassailable assertions cannot be refuted and that the discussion is over.
    Seriously. Just move on.

  7. Joe 6 nailed this. Look at the efforts state and local governments make to disarm you and I. It’s a lot easier to make a living stealing from people if you know they are not armed. You pull a gun on me and sooner or later I’ll shoot your ass.


    Laws only apply to white Republicans, and Constitutional laws don’t apply, 1st Amendment, cancel culture / deplatforming, 2nd Amendment, it exists but not really, unless you are black and have an unregistered firearm, then it’s Ok.

    Democrats and illegals can do whatever they want.

  9. LOL! Bobcat. Good one. Seriously, black women need to stop wearing everyone else’s hair, instead of what they were born with. It’s getting farcical.


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