Romney’s Discreditable, Dishonest Vote – IOTW Report

Romney’s Discreditable, Dishonest Vote

From February 5, 2020, onward, Mitt Romney is a political outcast—a briefly useful idiot for the defeated Democrats and a traitor to the party he once led in a presidential election.
Conrad Black.

American Greatness:

What an unexpected sorbet Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) served up on Wednesday afternoon. After the shambles of the Democrats in Iowa; the president, during the State of the Union, shoving into the faces of the Democrats a cream pie in the form of his overwhelming policy successes; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s tearing up of Trump’s speech at the podium in a demonic state of petulance; and the final collapse and disposal of the most inane official assault on the presidency in its history in the impeachment vote, Romney seems to have had an out-of-body freak-out.

This odd man, so overbrimming with conscience and full of consultation with the Almighty, has finally revealed his purpose in returning to public life. His incandescent conscience managed to be a self-enriching asset-stripper at Bain and Company. He possessed a near-Olympian talent for flipping in all four directions on practically every public policy question from abortion and healthcare to taxes. But he could not manage his spirit of vengeance.

As an authentically scriptural man, Mitt Romney would know that it is the “God of Vengeance, God to whom vengeance belongs.” In cobbling together the righteous fairy tale previously utterable only by chronically dishonest people such as Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), and Speaker Pelosi (doubtless resuming her famous prayers for the president after ripping up the text of his speech in front of 40 million viewers), Romney descended from the prophet’s chair in the Mormon Tabernacle to the gutter of American public life. read more

h/t Forcibly Deranged.