Meanwhile, in Iowa… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Iowa…

Iowa Updates: Bernie Sanders Declares Victory – DNC Club Chairman Tom Perez Calls for Recount.

What’s happening is clear to anyone who knows the Club’s objective.  The DNC Club is attempting to diminish Sanders and elevate any non-Bernie candidate.  Sanders has won the popular vote in Iowa and will likely split national delegates with Buttigieg.

Iowa Caucus Results Riddled With Inconsistencies, New Report Finds.

Now, The New York Times is postulating that more than 100 precincts have reported results that are “internally inconsistent.” Aside from some self-reported precinct numbers not matching those officially released by the Iowa Democrats, there are other concerns with vote tallies not adding up or — in some cases — candidates being given the wrong number of delegates.

h/t Dianny at Patriot Retort for the Bernie screenshot.

20 Comments on Meanwhile, in Iowa…

  1. Bloomberg will be the nominee. Since the dems know they can’t win they will auction off the nomination to the highest bidder to maximize cash. Maybe Pierre Delecto can be his running mate?

  2. Just what exactly did the DNC think was going to happen? The slate of candidates were a train wreck just waiting to happen. They (the DNC) really are not very smart people.

  3. Apparently most democrats prefer to wear their cult’s armbands under their shirtsleeves so as to obscure their common mission of total control over the people. Secret handshakes are more difficult to document.

    It’s getting more difficult to hide their Collectivist totalitarian mission.

  4. I am confused.
    A vote that did not include Republicans. The tallies are inconsistent. Bernie is coming in second to a preferred mainstream Democrat. The DNC calling for a recount.
    Orange Man Bad!! Squirrel!!!

  5. The Democraps have a tough decision to make after losing on the Mueller report, Kavanaugh, and the Impeachment.

    What I see as options:

    1. Go much further left, fully support Socialist/Communist Bernie while trying to appeal to more violent leftists like Antifa.
    2. Go right, and try to steal the popular patriotic vote away from Trump.
    3. Do nothing, hope for the best, and remain a left-center party with a weak socialist platform that relies on identity politics and white male bashing.

    None of the three options are really any good for the three time losers. Look for them to keep losing.

  6. On to the next primary and the next TFU> TTL FK UP!

    Maybe they should just vote by applause.

    No Wait, that discriminates against the deaf.

    How about JAZZ HANDS?

  7. @stirrin the pot,
    Thanks for the link. Mr. Bannon certainly knows more about politics than me, and he does give them credit for being more clever than I do. But, could be. . . still, I think I’d follow the money. Besides Bloomy wouldn’t be satisfied standing behind the throne (he couldn’t see over it).

  8. I think this Romney crap was all orchestrated. Romney is delusional and thinks he can still be president. He knew what was going to come on him from the Republicans after his impeachment vote. His “morality play” is nonsense. In the next few weeks, Romney is going to switch parties. He is now a hero to the democrats and he will enter the democratic convention with a glow around. On the third or fourth ballot, it will be either Mitt or Hillary. God save us!

  9. JustAl: “Besides Bloomy wouldn’t be satisfied standing behind the throne (he couldn’t see over it).”

    He would stand behind the throne IF HE OWNED the throne. As a real world example: see Vladimir Putin.


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