“Pelosi For Prison” – IOTW Report

“Pelosi For Prison”

Gateway Pundit: Days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bitterly ripped up President Trump’s SOTU speech, DeAnna Lorraine, the leading GOP candidate running against the bitter impeachment queen, contracted a plane to fly around San Francisco with a banner in tow that read “Pelosi For Prison”. GO SEE


15 Comments on “Pelosi For Prison”

  1. This dark eyed demon is a soul owned by the devil. If you watch her post SOTU departure and weird remarks you can actually see Satan staring at you straight outta hell.

    Nadler just looks completely defeated and Schitt for brains just looks insane. These demons know the end is near. Nazi Nan is not long for this world…

    Her soul is damned and she knows it.

  2. Running against Pelosi will consume resources from the Dems. Any threat to Pelosi will get her to commit a lot of $$$ so she can secure her seat. Nancy will worry about herself first and that will dry up funds to other candidates.
    Trump has them on the ropes and is just now starting to punch. It’s going to get interesting from here on.

  3. Her remaining threads of sanity are frayed and about to give way at any time. Relax, very soon she’ll be trussed up in a straitjacket, heavily medicated and babbling away incoherently in some rocky mountain institution for the rest of her days.

  4. Amazing, the lack of media coverage for this story. You’d think, with a city the size of SF, and the “hours” the banner is said to have been in the air, there would be many multiple photos and videos available to view, both media and private.

    I can’t find but a couple. The pic Gateway is using looks shopped.

  5. It could have been magical unicorns that didn’t appear in reality. It left us wondering what was going on. Some sort of contracted syndrome perhaps. DeAnna is the first person to put a real physical thing in the sky liberals can collectively scream at.

  6. If this banner is such a BFD, why the hell didn’t Lorraine’s people get some decent video and photos of it? The vid on Lorraine’s own site is terrible. Certainly other people too would have pics and vids up by now. Where are they? Where is the media coverage?… I found ONE TV news item from WICHITA.

    Seriously, what is going on here?

  7. I just discovered this site from Site Jabber someone was complaining their posts wasn’t getting thru on American T. That site seems to heavily curtail comments more and more acting like a Rhino rather then a Conservative. Most Conservative sites seem to be the Rhino kind. I guess the real Conservatives are depressed.

  8. What happened to real Conservatives? Offline they appear normal and have families,kids,jobs and are down to earth but online they will act weird and more liberal if you read between the lines. “I’m a Centrist’ BUT!

    They used to do this on Rush Limbaugh Call in days which is every Friday they’d break in and sound nice but go on long rants taking up half the time or more not letting Rush get a word in edge wise so he will just smile and say “Uh huh” once you know him you can figure out what he is thinking when he does it as he had different ways of doing it. Then when time is up he will tell people what nonsense the call was (without swearing) though he uses the occasional D word and that’s it for him.

    A liberal would swear or be stupid about it going on and on and on and on and on.

  9. What happened to real Conservatives? Offline they appear normal and have families,kids,jobs and are down to earth but online they will act weird and more liberal if you read between the lines. “I’m a Centrist’ BUT!

    They used to do this on Rush Limbaugh Call in days which is every Friday they’d break in and sound nice but go on long rants taking up half the time or more not letting Rush get a word in edge wise so he will just smile and say “Uh huh” once you know him you can figure out what he is thinking when he does it as he had different ways of doing it. Then when time is up he will tell people what nonsense the call was (without swearing) though he uses the occasional D word and that’s it for him.

    A liberal would swear or be stupid about it cussing you out.

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