Is This Why Mitt Romney Voted Guilty On One Of The Impeachment Articles? – IOTW Report

Is This Why Mitt Romney Voted Guilty On One Of The Impeachment Articles?

24 Comments on Is This Why Mitt Romney Voted Guilty On One Of The Impeachment Articles?

  1. Nope. It was because one of Romney’s sons was a board member at Burisma.

    So was Pelosis son

    So was John Kerry’s stepson Whatsisname Heinz

    So was Greezy Joe Bidens son Hunter

  2. Also I keep wondering that the knowledge that Trump is looking into the swamp explains the sudden retirement of many Republicans over the past couple years.🤔

  3. If any of this is truly criminal, prosecution should already be underway. Investigation would have accelerated, IMHO, during the shampeachment. Everything should be in alignment to start hearings/ grand jury now.

    I’m not holding my breath. I will be shocked if any of this Burisma stuff sees any criminal court time.

  4. “Top Romney advisor worked with Hunter Biden on board of the Ukrainian Energy Company”.

    …I’m not sure you can characterize what they did for their money as “Work”, but still a valid point.

    …but of COURSE all the major playas are covered in Ulrainian pocket lint. It’s the same as why they all went to Epstein’s island and raped children together, omerta only works is EVERONE cam implicate everyone ELSE in the same crime, so they all have a vested interest in covering for each other…

  5. This just in:

    To nobody’s surprise, this year’s John Sidney McCain III Blue Falcon Award is to be presented to Willard (Mitt) Romney in recognition of his outstanding accomplishments in the fields of betrayal, back-stabbing, and shameless self-promotion. Well done, Mitt!

  6. Just about every dollar distributed by “the gov’t” has some portion siphoned off by friends, cronies, and family of one elected maggot or another.

    Remember after all that “infrastructure” money disappeared?
    Obola shrugged his shoulders and claimed that “shovel ready” really wasn’t “shovel ready” at all – to the delight and amusement of the media?
    Where’s the money?
    Every single penny can be traced. Why wasn’t it traced?

    Payoffs, corruption, graft, socialism, reward your friends – whatever you want to call it – vastly more money than was ever stolen by Harding, et al. was stolen during Obolas terms.
    The Federal Gov’t ceased even the pretense of being “of the people, by the people, and for the people … ” and the rot spread throughout – soiling the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, every State gov’t, and large swaths of Police.

    The width and depth of corruption is why President Trump and the American People are under attack. Romney is one of them. The Demonrats buttress corruption because that’s the only way they know to enrich themselves. BS, Warren, Pelosi, Biden, Obola, Clinton, Waters, Reid, Schumer, Menendez – ALL made fortunes off gov’t “service.” And hundreds of others have benefited from having their fingers in the gov’t pie – Buffet, Soros, Steyer, Bloomberg, Perot.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. And, by the by, Burisma (etc.), is a deliberate snipe hunt. Putting useless things you’ve put DNA in (“Hey, Chelsea! How you bin?”), or on (“Hey, Harvey! How you bin?”), in multi-million dollar no-show “jobs”, is so anointedly legal (according to those that make up the rules that might apply to them, maybe, subject to change without notice), that it’s not even required to list it on the ethics fans forms, waved in front of the proles slack jaws, while “exotic” dancing. Unless said thing gets videoed dismembering some other whore, it is completely legal. (According to Saint Gore, there’s not any controlling legal authority, to even decide if it might have been illegal… this… just this… one… particular… time.) And, even with video, only the dismemberment might, might, be of interest… to any reasonable “prosecutor”.

  8. @Mr Anthropy

    Holy Crap, That’s weird….comments are hilarious !!!


    Looks like His body doesn’t have the Mass to support that giant

    freaking Head !!!

  9. @ Mr. Anth Ropy FEBRUARY 7, 2020 AT 9:14 AM

    The bastard has creeped me out since he first appeared on he national scene during the Atlanta Olympics. I absolutely have a natural aversion to him.

  10. TRF@ 9:00am

    Horse Shit! Mostly correct because his religion is all horse shit. I despise how Mormonism bastardized Christianity and made themselves gods. He really does believe he’s above the rest of us.

  11. Lets connect more dots shall we. Bolton got paid over $100,000 for giving 2 speeches in Ukraine and now he writes a tell all book (supposedly) he is also best buddies with Romney. HHMMM Black worked for or is working for Burisma, Romney has/had him on his staff. Romney’s Buddy gets canned by the President and writes a book that just so happens to be reviewed by Vindmann’s Twin Brother and then the leaks appear from the NSC (again). This is all just a little to convenient to be just Coincidence


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