Company Behind Iowa Caucus App Fiasco Has Close Ties to Clinton, Obama, Mark Zuckerberg – IOTW Report

Company Behind Iowa Caucus App Fiasco Has Close Ties to Clinton, Obama, Mark Zuckerberg

Breitbart: ACRONYM, the technology firm behind Shadow Inc. and the Democratic Iowa caucus disaster, is more than just a wonkish outfit churning out code for political clients. By many accounts, the secretive organization served as a power nexus that connected party elites including Barack Obama, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Hillary Clinton.

As the fiasco surrounding the Iowa caucuses continues to unravel, the malfunctioning app that caused the delay in the reporting of Monday’s results has taken center stage. The secretive firm pulling the strings has also been yanked into the spotlight against its will as evidence mounts that its leaders were biased against presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.

The non-profit ACRONYM was created in 2017 to create digital tools to help defeat President Donald Trump and his allies. Last year, the organization created Shadow, Inc., a for-profit tech spin-off led by former 2016 Clinton campaign operatives that reportedly shares office space with ACRONYM.

Shadow created the notorious app that was supposed to collect and report caucus results throughout Iowa this week. But the software proved to be a dud on Monday, when its reporting capabilities broke down due to a “coding issue,” creating a national embarrassment for Democrats. read more

9 Comments on Company Behind Iowa Caucus App Fiasco Has Close Ties to Clinton, Obama, Mark Zuckerberg

  1. democRATz have nothing to lose at this point. They either lie, cheat & steal like hell or wind up out of office and up on charges in court.
    “If that bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!You’d better fix this shit!”
    The only thing that’s happened since Hillary uttered that threat is that more and more evidence has been collected on top of an attempted coup!
    They only have one thing to hang their collective hats on:
    Voter Fraud. And they are going to turn it up to eleven, big time!
    Shadow Inc. and their democRAT owners are preparing to gin up election results like no other! Iowa was just a test bed. Once again I say we need to put some real teeth into fraud enforcement or they will just walk away it Scott-Free… again!

  2. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern!

    First it was the Obamacare app…
    Then it was the Dems voting app in Minnesota…
    Now it’s the Iowa caucus app…

    Yeah…it’s a pattern alright!


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