GOP candidate Kimberly Klacik believes she can flip Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore district – IOTW Report

GOP candidate Kimberly Klacik believes she can flip Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore district

FOX: Republican strategist Kimberly Klacik explained Thursday how she won the primary in late Rep. Elijah Cummings‘ Maryland congressional district.

“For the past year or so, I’ve been going around in communities and talking to people. I believe I won the primary off of those grassroots efforts,” Klacik told, “Fox & Friends First.”

Klacik explained that the district has voted Democrat since 1953 and facing incumbent Kweisi Mfume, who held the seat before Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., will be a challenge.

Mfume won the Democratic primary for Maryland’s 7th Congressional District on Tuesday in the race to finish the rest of the late Rep. Elijah Cummings’ term in Congress. MORE

17 Comments on GOP candidate Kimberly Klacik believes she can flip Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore district

  1. I voted for her this week. I’m going to donate to her campaign.
    She’s the one who created the videos of Baltimore shitholes that President Trump used to bash Cummings.
    I hope President Trump endorses her and has a rally in Baltimore.

  2. Turns out DJT with his ‘out of no where’ appearance on the political stage has inspired others to say…

    ‘Why not, what the hell, I got this, the place is screwed up I have some to contribute’.

    Let’s see how the inner city disgust with the Dems turns out, not sure if it can be reversed?

  3. she needs a lot of repub $$$ … hope she gets it

    M’fume is a corrupt a d’RAT as they come

    … a corrupt d’RAT … from Baltimore … describes all of them

  4. Jethro, send a note to team Trump about her, they are looking for people to support. ( they must know about her)
    It can’t hurt.
    They will listen and respond.

  5. Brad, paid $2.28 gal in my town in Mich. Diesel runs about .50¢ higher here because of road taxes they put on knowing the big rigs have no choice. Maybe same there?

  6. Going to be cautious about her. She could turn out to be more like the RINO, Mia Love. Still, at this point, she’s a thousand times better than Queasy M’Fumes.

  7. @Bad_Brad:

    …Diesel should be much cheaper than gas. It’s not, and they can’t tell us why.

    It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they won’t. Fed mandated ultra-low sulfur diesel is expensive to produce.

  8. I am so glad not to have a Mercedes Diesel van anymore. The damned DEF (Diesel exhaust fluid) was a big pain in the ass to have to keep up on since it needs it every 2-3,000 miles or the engine powers down to nothing until the DEF reservoir is full. The company kept a 55 gal. drum of DEF and since we drove at least 1,000 or miles a week we were always filling it up at least twice or sometimes more a month.


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