AOC Doesn’t Understand A Metaphor — Gets Destroyed On Twitter – IOTW Report

AOC Doesn’t Understand A Metaphor — Gets Destroyed On Twitter

She made it worse by dragging MLK into it.

The Lid: Stupid is as stupid does.  A video of bartender turned Congresswoman was getting a lot of attention on Twitter for all the wrong reasons. It is coming back to haunt her. AOC doesn’t understand 

It seems that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-NY) is very upset by a common metaphor for working hard — lift yourself up by your bootstraps.” She explained that it’s “a physical impossibility to lift yourself up by a bootstrap — by your shoelaces.” read more

38 Comments on AOC Doesn’t Understand A Metaphor — Gets Destroyed On Twitter

  1. When she was a bartender, I think she had others mix the drinks for her since she didn’t know the drink recipes and she probably had a hard time pulling on the tap handle to fill a glass with draft beer.

  2. While out to eat in DC, she considered ordering a Long Island ice tea but being it was summer and quite hot she figured the ice would melt by the time it got there. Plus she didn’t want to wait that long.

  3. Can’t see the forest for the trees?

    That jus be all stupid and stuff … cuz … well cuz … uhh … y’know! The trees be blockin the forest from view, an stuff … you seen, like, pitchers and stuff, of forests and stuff, han’t ya?


  4. Some curious scientists should remove her brain and conduct studies. Of course it wouldn’t be any inconvenience to her and she’d likely never notice it’s gone.
    I’m just guessing but I’d wager it provides about an equal amount of rudimentary function as one would find in a turnip.

  5. AOC embodies (another word that can trip her up) a goal of the left to make everyone stupid – easier to manipulate.
    Humor has no place in a socialist society, even though everything about the corrupt, dememted hypocrisy of the left is nonsensical.

  6. @BB – “…Next up, our super hero investigates if you can really work while keeping your eye on the ball, your nose to the grindstone, and your ear to the ground…”

    Hopefully AOC will go blind, deaf and lose her sense of smell trying to see if those metaphors can actually be done.


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