Global Warming’s 50 Years of Fraud – IOTW Report

Global Warming’s 50 Years of Fraud

Some people fall for climate change BS mainly because they don’t bother to do simple research.

I live in the desert. I had a phone conversation with someone (a Liberal) in a different state who was shocked -SHOCKED!!! it gets cold in the desert during winter.
Wow! 35 degrees at night? How unusual!
[As if it were 104 degrees year round.]
-“Nope. Completely normal.”

Good gravy.

American Thinker:

The theory for those pushing the green new deal or some other radical energy policy that will destroy tens of millions of jobs and greatly harm the poor and middle class is that humans, CO2, and fossil fuels cause warming and climate change. This warming causes the ice to melt in Alaska, then the melting ice causes sea levels to rise and the rising sea levels will cause coastal cities to under water.

They have predicted the coastal cities to disappear for the last 100 years and they have been wrong for 100 years.

Meanwhile, Alaska has been exceptionally cold for the last few months. As a nerd who knows that the people pushing the garbage theory of humans causing climate change is based on a series of lies, I look at actual data.

It is a shame most of the media, entertainers and other Democrats just repeat talking points instead of doing research.

January 2020 was the 15th coldest January on record in Fairbanks Alaska. At negative 27 degrees. it was over 13 degrees below average this year. Obviously, the ice will be thickening faster than average and is not going to be gone as predicted.

Here is a small sample of predictions and fear articles over the years. read more

h/t ex-lacks

15 Comments on Global Warming’s 50 Years of Fraud

  1. Does it not send alarm bells off in your head that every communist in the world is rubbing their hands together and foaming-at-the-mouth about implementing Global Warming laws and regulations?

  2. The Globalist-Communist-Illuminati are pushing on all fronts.
    They believe that people fall into two categories: Serfs, and Those who Rule, and they are doing everything to bring that situation about.

  3. I will never fight a war for racist america. But I will fight the war for science. We will have no straws, no plastic, and no murdered meat.

  4. Gee, how can the President of the United States give a State of the Union speech and not mention climate change?

    Like I know Larry… by the way, he also left out unicorns, Superman, the Tooth Fairy, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and washed-up Commies and pansies running for President!

  5. I didn’t see algore or Greta the Hun lining up to help me shovel the 5″ of global climate warming change, peace, love, & doob crystals off my driveway on Friday! 😡

  6. INFO NOTE – Any climate-catastrophe idiot can get this same information from the Internet:

    The average CO2 is about 385 to 400-ppm (+/-, depending on city, rural, altitude, etc.) measurements.

    At 150-ppm, is where the plant extinction event begins. This includes all microscopic ocean/land plants to trees.

    Current OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) is 5,000-ppm over an 8-hour exposure.

    Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) is currently 40,000-ppm (used to be, 50,000-ppm)

    CO2 is 0.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere.

    Water vapor ranges from 0.2% to 4.0% (depending on temperature)
    Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas.

    Sunspot variability impacts surface temperature increase and decrease on the Earth over prolonged periods.

    I mean, you know? I smell money and world control by a phony, technocratic, self-appointed elite.

  7. Yeah, I also participate in a couple of blogs / forums, for outdoors activities. You know getting out in the woods or on as stream kind of stuff.

    You can’t escape the GW advocates. Many are people who I otherwise like & like the stuff they post. I’ve pointed out a few times AGW is a hoax, and there is nothing to worry about. Including links to stories from the late 1800s, and 1930s, about how areas in the north sea were warmer than normal for several years. The fisheries were fretting about how all the fish are gone for ever or some village was losing its way of life and ancient culture. That later returned to the same historical cold conditions with the same amount of snow fall.

    The result, once I received a private message from the admin, saying several people were upset with what I wrote & wanted me booted off, some who complained were climate researchers, and they know more about it than I do.

    I could only tell the admin while I am not a research scientist, I have a close friend who is and he has explained to me how and why some of their work went off track wasting time and $M. From his stories and other reading I know enough about proper research to spot faulty research full of conformation bias. So sorry, AGW is complete BS. The world may or may not be warming, if there is it’s likely due to the sun’s output, and there is nothing we can do about. But I really don’t think there is any warming that will continue to become worse.

  8. Not that there aren’t a zillion other valid ways to look at this, for me the kicker was Bjorn Lomborg’s book The Skeptical Environmentalist. He ‘believed’ that GW was a concern, and came up with numerous ideas, far more cost-effective than CO2 reduction/sequestration and solar panels and wind farms. But they were all ignored, even though well-supported by science and experience.
    And their complete hatred of nucular plants – the cleanest option around.

  9. It is their proggy “religion”. No amount of facts or clear
    evidence to the contrary will sway them from using their
    lies and instilling their nutty fears into easily swayed children in order to create more converts to their evil, freedom stealing, causes.

  10. Global money scamway, people at the UN let that cat out of the bag. It was never about the earth. I’m starting to think they couldn’t change a light bulb that alone the temp of the planet. They sell fear, that’s it and don’t believe it themselves.


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